Part 6 Chapter 1

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3 months later
Mu Empire, Otaheit
Mu Imperial Palace, La Mu's study

La Mu held a brief meeting to discuss the development of the technology application that Myto Empire had given Mu Empire.

"What about our economic condition?" La Mu asked.

"After we applied various advanced machines from Myto and started producing them, the efficiency of our production equipment increased greatly, and the output of our factories also increased. For example, we already control about 90% of the entire Elysia market for watch products, from wall clocks to watches. This alone represents almost 20% of our total exports. Our total exports have increased by more than 63% compared to before we knew Myto Empire." The trade minister said.

"Oh, in just less than a year, our exports have increased so much. What about other exports?" asked La Mu.

"The strangest thing is the increase in agricultural exports. In the past, we did not export agricultural products at all and even imported them. But now we are starting to export our agricultural products. We are already self-sufficient in all agricultural products, and livestock. The plantation sector is also increasing rapidly, but due to the longer lifespan of the crops, we may only be able to benefit in 3-5 years. We are already exporting basic agricultural products such as wheat. This is possible because we are applying advanced agricultural technology from the Myto Empire. In the future, maybe we can compete with the Principality of Qua Toyne for agricultural products because our land is much larger than the Principality of Qua Toyne, although their land is much more fertile." The trade minister said.

"Oh, do we have no more agricultural and livestock imports?" asked La Mu.

"We still have imports, your majesty. We still import agricultural and livestock goods. But the imports are limited to specialty products only." The trade minister said.

"What about cars? Haven't we opened so many car factories?" asked La Mu.

"That's right, sir. We are still struggling to meet the demand for cars at home, let alone abroad. This is due to the improvement of the production process and design of cars, which has caused the price of cars to drop dramatically to only 25% of the original price, and even now it tends to fall. The production of our automotive vehicles is still 80% absorbed domestically, with exports mostly to the Principality of Qua Toyne and Kingdom of Quila." The trade minister said.

"How much did our economy increase in total?" asked La Mu.

"We experienced an economic growth of more than 37% from the time before we met the Myto Empire." The prime minister said.

La Mu questioned, "Well, can that economic growth pay for our military spending?"

"We can sustain a much larger military, especially since our military equipment, especially our ships, is now more modern with lower maintenance. This increases the efficiency of using the military budget. But we are still spending money from our reserves to modernize our military. We are currently spending 11% of our reserves on the military." The finance minister said.

"Then what about our military upgrade?" asked La Mu.

"Report to His Majesty. We have received 36 destroyers, 12 of which are fully operational, 12 are temporarily used as training ships, and 12 are still not operational. We have also received 20 'Smart' class corvettes as promised, but only 10 are fully operational. We are using five of them as training vessels. We have ordered another 30 ships that were promised to arrive in 3 months." The defense minister said this while looking at his notes.

"Oh, that means our military capabilities have improved?" asked La Mu.

"That's right, sir, especially as you know, last week two aircraft carriers arrived. The crews are still in the training stage, and the ships themselves are still in the commissioning stage. Maybe only next month the two aircraft carriers will be operational, and even then they are still partially operational." The defense minister said.

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