Part 8 Chapter 6

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Star system OM3I, 300 light years from Elysia.
The next day.

The OM3I star system is a star system without any habitable planets. Even in the Goldilock zone, there is only a dwarf planet with a diameter of 2000 km with an atmosphere that is almost non-existent, gravity is only 1/10 G, and it consists of rocks that do not contain much rare material. In addition, the planet is phase-locked against the main star, so that one side is very hot and one side is very cold.

Moments after the enemy ships arrived at the star system, a number of probe droids arrived at the oort cloud of the star system and began to enter the star system cautiously. They made passive observations so as not to alert the enemy. They found that one of the gas giants had a sizable satellite, nearly 4,000 km in diameter, which belonged to class K and had an atmosphere of mostly helium and nitrogen, so it could not support life. But enemy ships were heading towards the satellite. Therefore, two probe droids started approaching the satellite, slowly mimicking the parabolic, unpowered motion of a small astroid.

When the droids reached their closest point, using passive sensors, they observed the enemy ships in orbit and mapped the energy emissions on the satellite's surface. All tagged ships were in orbit. In orbit, there is also a rudimentary space dock used for repairs. There is also a mobile spacedock. Because they were close enough to the satellite, they could detect shielded energy emissions coming from beneath the surface of the planet, which was an enemy outpost base. Once they passed the satellite and the parabolic probe moved away from it, they began transmitting data to central command over the holonet.

The other probe droids investigated the rest of the star system, finding that there were quite a few enemy ships on patrol. They formed a task force consisting of 10 ships per task force. Only one of the ships showed life forms, the rest were unmanned. There were 21 task forces in existence. The probe droid had to be very careful to see all parts of the star system because the nature of the enemy shields that can hide energy emissions makes them difficult to detect. Of course, all findings were reported to the command centre.




5 light years from the star system OM3I

The serenity of deep space was broken by the soundless roar of multiple psudomotions that signalled the arrival of the Myto Empire's starships. There were numerous starships, ranging from battlefortres, imperial-class star destroyers, and victory-class star destroyers to attack cruisers.

The ships immediately launched all the TIE fighters they had, namely the TIE Attacker and TIE Nova. The ships also launched a number of automated fighter drones, which were then attached to the TIE fighters. Each TIE was attached to two AD-1 automated fighter drones.




Battlefortress 'Macross'
Command Bridge

Battlefortress 'Macross' is the flagship of the Myto Empire fleet that will attack the enemy. There are 3 parts to this fleet: the 9th defence fleet under the command of Admiral Arakel Yeera, the 8th defence fleet under the command of Admiral Jan Tripta, and a combined fleet consisting of a mixture of ships from the home defence fleet, ships from the Elysia defence fleet, ships from the 7th defence fleet, ships from the exploration fleet, and ships from the Moff Trevat fleet, which is also the command task force of this entire fleet under the command of Admiral Aedat Iskir.

"Admiral, all ships have now launched all hyperspace-capable fighters and some of the automatic fighter drones and are currently docking with the hyperspace-capable fighters that were launched earlier. We are sending additional drones to star system OM3I to clarify intelligence." Said the captain of the 'Macross', Captain Haiganti.

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