Part 4 Chapter 12

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Jakarta, Terminus Island, Elysia.

The Myto Empire Leaders Meeting Room.

A meeting was held to discuss the end of the war with the Kingdom of Lauria and the start of a new chapter of diplomatic development in Elysia. Also discussed the progress of various sectors. The meeting was attended by all Myto leaders, namely:

- Admiral Aedat Iskir, commander of Home Fleet
- Admiral Druna Arkena, commander of the 1st Defense Fleet
- Admiral Noona Arkena, commander of the 2nd Defense Fleet
- Admiral Ira Ishil, commander of the 3rd Defense Fleet
- Admiral Erna Trena, commander of the 4th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Sybil Huski, commander of the 5th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Grogot Krumpel, commander of the 6th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Jan Tripta, commander of the 8th Defense Fleet
- Admiral Krumbel Kasheef, commander of the 1st Exploration Fleet
- Admiral Haskot Himlow, commander of the 2nd Exploration Fleet
- Commander Deriick Galsgov, commander of Private Fleet
- General Kamedia Hispur, leader of the 1st Army
- General Dhani Treeva, leader of the 2nd Army
- General Famla Adil, leader of special forces and intelligence Myto
- General Armeda Krakov, chief security system
- Chief Secretary Arkev Huis
- Secretary Erman Krusdiv
- Secretary Herman Armitt
- Dr. Anen Druma, head of the Myto Science Institute
- Kandar Hina, industry leader Myto
- Director Trazi Kimla head of the Myto diplomatic corps.

Meeting chaired by Moff Trevat

"Congratulations on ending the war on Rodinius so quickly that the civilian casualties were not much." Moff Trevat said to Admiral Ira after opening the meeting.

"Thank you. However, apart from the results of the war, we received information that needed further investigation, namely the issue of the Revernal Empire, an Empire based on magic that is very advanced so that it is able to dominate all of Elysia. According to various sources, the Revernal Empire could only be defeated by God's intervention, but they were capable of performing large-scale magic so that the entire Revernal Empire could be transported through the time dimension. What is currently waiting for is the reappearance of the Revernal Empire." replied Admiral Ira.

"This is something that needs to be researched, because mastering the dimensions of time and large-scale transportation will involve scientific principles that even the Galactic Empire has not yet mastered. This is very worrying because there is a possibility that we will have to face the Revernal Empire and we will lose in technology. Therefore, I ask that everyone research this. Moreover, there is another party called 'God' which is probably a party that has higher technology than the Revernal Empire. Maybe it has something to do with the creation of the artificial M-class planets we've seen so far." Moff Trevat replied.

"Let's discuss other things that should be discussed at this time." Trevat continued.

After that the meeting began to discuss various things that needed to be discussed regarding technology, the results of warfare and the progress of exploration in outer space. The results of the meeting are divided into several sections according to the topics discussed.

Discussion of the conclusion of the war against the Kingdom of Lauria:

- Transition from the Kingdom of Lauria to the Republic of Lauria is taking place as soon as possible. Presidential candidates who are ideologically close to the Myto Empire will be chosen.

- As soon as the provisional government of the Republic of Lauria hands over territory to the Myto Empire, the construction of a military base will begin immediately. Supporting cities will also be built. It is hoped that no more than 250,000 people will be placed in the two places that the Republic of Lauria will provide.

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