Part 7 Chapter 8

945 43 38

Mu Empire,
A military airbase near the Leifor-Mu Empire border
01.00 AM.

Two military DC-4s were being prepared to fly missions inside Leifor territory. The DC-4s were configured as ELINT aircraft, equipped with a number of radio receivers and a Radio Direction Finder (RDF). Their mission was to map radar sites in the area near the Leifor-Mu Empire border. From the intelligence mission, they learned that Gra Valkas' radar was always turned on 24/7 to avoid attacks from the Mu Empire.

The two DC-4 ELINT aircraft were deliberately flown at midnight, where interception with regular fighters was not possible and the crews of the AA guns were resting. They would fly up to 100 kilometers inside Leifor territory. Also, the aircraft was flown at the ceiling altitude of the DC-4 so that it was considered safe from AA cannons.

After all preparations were ready, the airplane was flown. There were 6 RDFs on board, and each RDF was tuned to each of the radar signal frequencies found by the radio receivers cataloging the radar beams they passed. By finding the direction at some point in the plane's journey, the location of the radar can be triangulated. In this way, the location of Gra Valkas' radar was found.

Within 3 hours, all the radar locations of the Gra Valkas near the Leifor-Mu Empire border were known to the Mu Empire military.


Mu Empire,
A military airbase near the Leifor-Mu Empire border.
03.00 AM.

B1 bombers were ready to take off from several Mu Empire military bases near the Leifor-Mu Empire border. They carried 4 250 kg bombs that used magic stone powder as a booster and had an explosive power similar to almost 1 ton of TNT, and 1 FFAR pod containing 7 rockets, as well as additional fuel tanks. Their task was to destroy all the radars that had been mapped by the previous ELINT mission. Each radar site would be attacked using four B1 aircraft. There were 31 radar sites found, and 124 B1 aircraft were prepared and flown in from 3 Mu Empire military airbases.

One by one, the aircraft flew towards Leifor. As they approached the border, the B1 aircraft descended to a height near the treetop to avoid radar detection. Such a way of flying was very taxing on the pilots, but it was the only way they could approach each radar site undetected. Fortunately, the longest distance they had to travel was only 150 km from the Leifor-Mu Empire border. The Gra Valkas had not yet learned of such a radar evasion technique.




A radar station belonging to Gra Valkas near the Leifor-Mu Empire border

The night was almost over, and the radar operators at the station were already very sleepy. They would be replaced by the morning shift at 6 a.m.There were only a few people manning the equipment at the radar station; there was no need for many people to handle the radar because, in the darkness, it would be difficult for aircraft to see their surroundings, and theoretically, they could not attack.

Suddenly, one of the operators at the radar station noticed four blips on the radar that suddenly appeared. It was only 30 kilometers away from the radar station.

"Do you see any blips on your radar screen?" said one radar operator to another.

There were only four people working there at the time: two radar operators, a technician, and an officer as their leader. The officer was only a sergeant. In addition, there were several soldiers guarding the radar station outside.

"Wait a minute... That's right, I saw it! The distance is only 30 km; it seems that they are approaching us quickly." Said the other operator.

"What do you think it is?" asked the first operator.

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