Part 6 Chapter 8

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Star System K17T
Corellian Corvette CR-90 'Aurellia'

'Aurellia' is a very old Corvette, one of the first CR-90 type Corvettes built by CEC. 'Aurellia' has been scheduled to be scrapped many times, but for one reason or another, it was never scrapped. 'Aurellia' is one of the Corvettes activated to be assigned as an additional military force in Star System K17T. Currently, 'Aurellia' is in charge of conducting detailed scans of Star System K17T and is the command center for several tens of droids conducting detailed scans.




'Aurellia' Bridge.

Suddenly the door of the bridge opened, and Captain Calsa, the commanding officer of the 'Aurillia' turned toward the bridge door to see who had entered. The XO of the 'Aurillia' entered with dirty clothes and hands.

"Captain, the forward navigation sensor package is broken again. We are working to repair it." The XO said.

"How do we navigate the ring system of the gas giant we're going to scan without that sensor package?" said Captain Calsa while holding his head. "Command ordered us to complete the scan by tomorrow."

"It will take at least six hours, according to the chief engineer's estimate, to repair the sensor package." The XO said

Captain Calsa sighed again.

"Captain, I may have a solution." Said a sensor officer.

"How?" asked Captain Calsa.

"We can use the solar wind ion analyzer in the atmospheric package of one of our probes. Since the magnetic field of the gas giant is quite strong, everything around it is charged and will interact with the solar wind. Therefore, our analyzer might be able to map it." The sensor officer said.

"Good plan, at least we can do something, even though it will be very slow compared to using navigational sensors. It's not for nothing that you got a graduated degree in astrophysics from the university on Corellia." Captain Carla said.

"We still have navigational sensors to go in any direction but forward, at least if the analyzer detects something, we will be able to change the course of the ship so that other navigation sensor packages can analyze it." The XO said.

"Good, do it immediately, we are running out of time." Captain Calsa ordered.

The XO immediately left the bridge to carry out the approved changes and repairs.




1 hour later.

"Captain, the solar wind analyzer is functioning. It was temporarily placed in the airlock for the droids at the front of the ship. Trying to scan... success. We can navigate, however, it will take some time for the analyzer to generate a map of the objects in front of the ship." The sensor officer said.

"Very good, put it on the large screen." Captain Calsa ordered.

The large screen was the largest display on the bridge of the 'Aurellia' which usually contained navigation data located on the side. It showed the objects around the ship and its trajectory.

"Not bad, we can move with the map. Let's try the minimum speed first and then slowly increase it until the optimal speed. Set course to the 7th planet, minimum speed." Captain Calsa ordered.

'Aurellia' returned to moving slowly towards the 7th planet, which was their destination.



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