Part 6 Chapter 12

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Star System K17T
Astroid in the 7th planet orbit

Captain Calsa was in the command room or bridge of the 'Aachen' and watching the crew that had been selected to run the 'Aachen'. They were doing final checks before they would take the 'Aachen' into orbit to meet the mobile docks that would take the 'Aachen' to Elysia.
Since yesterday, Captain Calsa has ordered the central computer to check and recheck all systems. In performing the recheck, the central computer of the 'Aachen' brought out various droids that had been hidden to perform the check. In addition to communication with the Myto Empire's droids, the Myto droids were also used by the central computer to check all the systems of 'Aachen."

They also found a hidden log belonging to a crew member of the 'Aachen'. It contained a shortened version of the main log that had been deleted. According to the log, they were on patrol when they were suddenly swept away by some kind of wave-like force that their drive systems could not compensate for. The force came from the impact reaction of a meteorite on the star they were patrolling. Sensor logs showed that there were anomalous quartz crystals in the meteorite. They were pulled across dimensions and suddenly found themselves in this dimension.

After they made repairs for nearly a month and were unable to replicate the events that happened to them, they explored the surrounding universe and found the planet Elysia. After observing Elysia for several months, they decided to settle on Elysia. 'Aachen' was ordered to hide on an asteroid in Star System K17T that was still within range of their communication system. They deliberately deleted all logs so that if 'Aachen' was captured by another party, they would be safe, but one crew member hid his personal logs on a personal computer in his room. From the hidden logs, they learned many things about the 'Aachen' and the Solar Empire that built it.

Although no logs were found on Aachen's central computer, Aachen's computer library remained intact. It was from there that many new technologies were acquired by the engineers of the Myto Empire. The files on the library computer had been copied and brought to Elysia for further research.

Captain Calsa was currently sitting in the captain's chair of the 'Aachen'. Captain Calsa waited for the preparations to fly the 'Aachen' to be ready.

"Captain, refueling is now complete, fuel is at 87%." A technician said.

"Central computer, begin activation of all ship systems." Captain Calsa ordered the central computer.

"Begin activation of all fusion reactors. Checking off all systems... All systems report being green and ready. Activating all engines...engines are in hot standby and ready for maneuver." The central computer said.

"Captain, helm control report ready." The helmsman said.

"Navigation report ready." Navigator said.

"All system reports ready" said the engineer manning the engineering station.

"Good, activate thrusters. Lift-off!" said captain Calsa.

"Impulse engines are active, lifting off." said the central computer.

All plasma thrusters in the ring section of the 'Aachen' became active, and the 'Aachen' slowly rose towards orbit. Since 'Aachen' was on a small astroid, it took less than a minute for 'Aachen' to reach orbit. There, the 'Aachen' slowly moved towards the mobile docks that would take the 'Aachen' to Elysia.


Terminus Island, Jakarta
In front of the Saluit Hotel
The next morning.

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