Part 8 Chapter 1 Elysia World War

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Ocean, near the border of the Leifor-Mu Empire.
Operation 'Firecracker' flagship, Battleship 'La Orion'
2 days after the completion of the 11-country conference

Admiral Drieker is the leader of Operation 'Firecracker'. He controlled the fleet aboard his flagship, the North Star Class Battleship 'La Orion'. There are a total of 4 battleships, 2 North Star class and 2 La Kasami class, 7 Essex class carriers, 6 Strong class light carriers, 3 Otenheit class cruisers, 16 Victory class destroyers, 12 Various class destroyers, and 8 Smart class corvettes. There are also four Voyage-class submarines escorting them in the distance. In addition, there are also 8 support ships in the form of 4 tankers and 4 ships carrying ammunition and spare parts.

The fleet carriers in the fleet were heavily loaded with fighters and bombers. They carry aircraft to the point of overload. But the light carriers do not carry overloaded aircraft, they mostly carry F-1 fighters.

The fleet was moving at 10 knots to avoid a possible attack by the Gra Valkas submarines, which they knew had a speed far below 10 knots. Although the entire fleet was assembled and ready for operation, they were still waiting for the go-ahead order to commence the operation.




Battleship 'La Orion' bridge.

"Admiral, we received a code transmission from Mykal port," said the XO.

"Has the message been decoded?" asked Admiral Drieker.

"It has, admiral. It says, 'the ants are out of the nest'," said the XO.

"Hmm, that means the ships that will carry out the amphibious operation have gathered and are sailing near their final point. Immediately order our 2 corvettes to return to Mykal at full speed, and once they are 200 km away from us, they will transmit the code 'Pilgrims are at Malmud Mountain'," said Admiral Drieker.

"Yes admiral." Said the XO, who immediately ordered a crew member to relay Admiral Drieker's orders to the designated ships.

Due to the strict protocol of not using radios, the orders were transmitted using light signals to the prepared corvettes that were near their ships. The two corvettes immediately changed course and proceeded at flank speed to return to Mykal harbor.




In the afternoon.

"Admiral to the bridge...admiral to the bridge."

The intercom in Admiral Drieker's quarters chimed, waking the sleeping Admiral Drieker, resting after a long day on the bridge.

"I'm on my way." Drieker said over the intercom.

Admiral Drieker quickly straightened his clothes and headed to the bridge. There were already waiting for all the fleet officers on 'La Orion'.

"Report," Drieker said.

"Admiral, we received a code transmission from Otenheit: 'Climb Mount Malmud'." The captain of 'La Orion' said as he handed over a piece of paper containing the decoded message.

Everyone looked at Admiral Drieker for his orders, as they all knew what the code meant. Admiral Drieker looked at the paper for a moment and then looked at all the officers in the room.

"Well, our mission is confirmed. Notify all commands of this. Set course to point T, maximum fleet speed." Drieker said.

The 'Firecracker' operation fleet was busy giving news through signal lights before they finally increased their speed together to 16 knots, the highest speed of the support ships following them. They moved to a point off the coast of Ragna.

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