Part 4 Chapter 10 - The Fall of Lauria Kingdom

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Off the coast of the Kingdom of Lauria's capital, Jin-Hark

On the amphibious assault ships owned by Myto Empire, six utility-type airspeeders were seen on each ship being loaded by special forces from Myto Empire. Two airspeeders are filled with Dark Troopers, as many as 16 robots per airspeeder, and four airspeeders are filled with eight special troops per airspeeder. There are a total of 36 utility-type airspeeders on board 6 ships. Also prepared are 12 fighter-type airspeeders that will be launched from light aircraft carriers as escorts. A total of 192 special forces and 192 dark troopers were loaded into the airspeeders.

Soon, a close group of airspeeder fighters from the light carrier followed the airspeeders as they flew toward Hark castle.




3:30 p.m. Castle Hark

The tension is felt in Castle Hark, especially in the troops guarding Castle Hark. This is because the battlefield is slowly approaching Castle Hark from three directions. The troops in Castle Hark are the best troops the Kingdom of Lauria has. Even though they looked very tense, the troops were able to maintain their professionalism. A number of troops had been prepared to guard the evacuation route out of the city and towards the port village near Jin Hark, where the ships that would be used for evacuation were located.

Suddenly, a group of horse-drawn carriages approached the castle building quickly. Arriving in front of the gate, General Patajin and his guards got down and rushed to get into the Hark castle building. But before they entered the castle building, there were many flying objects approaching Castle Hark. Those flying objects were airspeeders from the Myto Empire. General Patajin shouted, ordering all troops to take cover because it was certain that there would be an air attack on Castle Hark. With the arrival of the airspeeder, a large number of probe droids began to move into the Hark castle area. They were there to keep an eye on the battlefield and kill Kingdom of Lauria troops who were in range of their blaster fire.

With General Patajin's shout, a number of airspeeders broke away from the formation and moved to attack Castle Hark. They attack using only coil guns and FFAR. Because the troops in Castle Hark are elite troops from the Kingdom of Lauria, they are able to defend against attacks by using magic shields. Even so, there were still casualties on the side of the Kingdom of Lauria's troops. The rest of the troops were forced to hide so as not to be hit by the Myto Empire's airspeeder.

As soon as the fighter's airspeeder attacks, 12 airspeeders containing Dark Troopers descend at various strategic points in Castle Hark and lower their Dark Toopers. The Dark Trooper was armed with a repeating blaster as well as an energy sword, a simplified version of the light saber. The airspeeder did not land, only hovered at an altitude of 25–50m, and the Dark Troopers jumped out and immediately attacked the Kingdom of Lauria troops. With the agility and speed of the Dark Trooper, the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria, including the mages, could not react fast enough to be able to deal with the Dark Trooper effectively before they were killed by the Dark Trooper. The mage that was located quite far from the Dark Trooper was able to cast some magic spells on the Dark Trooper, but because the Dark Trooper was equipped with a shield system and strong armor, the magic spells were meaningless to the Dark Trooper. It wasn't long before almost all of the Kingdom of Lauria's troops were at the main door killed.

Before that happened, General Patajin and his guards immediately entered the castle building and headed for the command room of Castle Hark. He immediately took command of the defense forces of Castle Hark. Immediately, he asked for help from the troops outside the castle to help the troops inside Hark Castle.

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