Part 5 Chapter 28

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Palpadia Empire, the next day. At 10.00
Imperial capital Esthirant, 1st foreign affairs department

The morning at the 1st foreign affairs department had been quite busy due to the defeat by the Palpadia Empire's fleet. They were trying to find out how many ships had managed to escape the battle near Le Brias. Even the head of the 1st foreign affairs department, Elto, was busy reading all the reports in the staff office at the 1st foreign affairs department. Suddenly, Ramille came into the room.

"Good morning, how are the ships that escaped the battle?" asked Ramille.

"The last number that entered was only 67 ships." Elto said this while reading a paper containing the tally notes from incoming ships.

"Damm, those Myto Empire!!" said Ramille angrily. "We must call them immediately. But prepare a number of troops if conditions go ugly."

"Okay. Shall we summon the ambassador from the Mu Empire as well?" he asked.

"Are the documents for the meeting ready?" Ramille asked back.

"Almost ready. Maybe in 1 or 2 hours it will be ready." Elto replied.

"Let's just schedule a meeting tomorrow for the meeting with the Mu Empire." Ramille said. "But summon a representative from Myto Empire as soon as the guard squad is ready. Maybe noon after lunch."

"Okay, we will arrange the schedule for the arrival of the representatives of the two countries." said Elto.

"Make sure that the two invitations are sent as soon as possible. For those who go to the Myto Empire, make sure there are soldiers escorting them. I'm afraid they will shy away from this meeting. Make sure they come to the meeting later." Ramille ordered.

"Okay, I'll take care of that later." Elto replied.

They also returned to work to prepare the necessary documents to provide evidence for the two countries, particularly the Mu Empire.


Myto Empire, Terminus Island, Jakarta.
Spaceport, 08.00 a.m.

Princess Lumiess and the prime minister from the kingdom of Altarus were taken early in the morning from their hotel to the city of Jakarta's spaceport. There they were taken to a waiting room, which already contained the head of the Principality of Qua Toyne, prime minister Tanaka, and one of his diplomats. After they got acquainted and chatted, the leader of the Kingdom of Quila, King Quila, came accompanied by one of his ministers. Last to arrive was the leader of the Mu Empire, La Mu, who was accompanied by his analyst, Myrus.

They also talked a lot before their departure time, which was at 09.00.

"I was wondering why we were brought here, not to the Myto Empire government headquarters, which we were already at when we came yesterday." La Mu said.

"Moff Trevat, according to his staff, spends more time in his other office, on a warship of the type "Stardestroyer. I know the terms for various types of maritime warships, but I don't know of any destroyer types used to destroy stars." answered the leader of the kingdom of Quila.

"Hmm, I don't know that term either. But we were taken to this place, which is neither a seaport nor an airport. They call it a spaceport. Does that have anything to do with space?" La Mu said.

"I also do not know. Even though we were the first country the Myto Empire contacted, we have never been notified of this." said the prime minister Tanaka.

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