Part 7 Chapter 12

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The ocean between the continents of Mu and Gra Valkas.
Battlegroup "La Gorgon".

Battlegroup "La Gorgon" is a small fleet consisting of the North Star class battleship 'La Gorgon', La Kasami class battleship 'La Erdo", the light carrier 'Asurka', and five Victory class destroyers. The battlegroup was tasked with patrolling between the two continents, challanging Gra Valkas capital ships bound for Leifor, creating a threat to Leifor-bound ships, and thereby reducing Gra Valkas convoys of troops and materiel to Leifor.

The battlegroup had received early warning from satellite observations by the Myto Empire that a number of Gra Valkas ships had gathered and were currently heading towards the area where the battlegroup was located. There was one fleet carrier and five battleships in the Gra Valkas fleet heading towards the battlegroup.

"Admiral, radar is showing two aircraft heading towards us. They're not answering our IFF, it's possible they belong to the Gra Valkas." The XO of 'La Gorgon' said this to the battlegroup leader, Admiral Adrian.

"Order our CAP to intercept. If those are indeed Gra Valkas aircraft, take them down." Admiral Adrian said.

"Yes, admiral," the XO said.

"Admiral, it seems that the battle this time starts with fighter attacks. Should we start arming our fighters with AA missiles?" said captain and 'La Gorgon', captain of the Admiralty.

"Right, besides that, prepare our ships for the battle against the fighters. Arrange the distance between the ships so that there is room to maneuver. Don't forget to place our carriers in the center of the formation for maximum protection." Admiral Adrian said.

"Yes, admiral." Captain Laksun replied.

The two CAP aircraft of the battlegroup immediately moved towards the two unidentified aircraft after they received instructions from 'La Gorgon'. The number of fighters in the CAP was four at a time, alternating every 2 hours. The other two fighters remained on top of the battlegroup.




A few moments later,.

"Admiral, we got the news over the radio from our fighters. The alien craft is a fighter from Gra Valkas!" said the Laksun captain.

"Shoot them down!" ordered Admiral Adrian.

"Yes, sir." Captain Laksun said as he gave the order to the communications officer.

A few tens of kilometers away, the two F1 fighters of the Mu Empire immediately activated the AA-1 carried by the two fighters. Each fighter carried four AA-1 missiles. At that time, the Gra Valkas fighters were also aware that there were aircraft belonging to the Mu Empire, they were also ready to attack. However, the AA-1 missile system was able to lock the two fighters first, and a few seconds later, a missile from each F1 fighter launched towards the Gra Valkas' fighter.

The Gra Valkas aircraft realized something was fired by the Mu Empire aircraft and tried to evade by maneuvering, but the IR seeker of the AA-1 was still able to lock onto its target, and because of its speed reaching Mach 2.5, the maneuver of the Gra Valkas aircraft was futile. Almost simultaneously, the two missiles reached the two fighters of the Gra Valkas. One missile hit the Gra Valkas and exploded, destroying the Gra Valkas fighter, and the other was a near miss, its warhead exploding due to the proximity fuse. Fragments of the prefragmented warhead rained down on the Gra Valkas fighter, leaving the fighter with holes like Swiss cheese and the pilot dead. Although the fuselage of the fighter appeared to be intact, almost all systems on the Gra Valkas fighter were damaged and uncontrollable. The aircraft flew randomly before diving into the ocean.

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