Part 8 Chapter 10

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Ragna Military Port

Although it was still early in the morning, the military port in Ragna was already busy. This is because of the military operations that will be carried out in a few days to attack the Mu Empire's ships off the coast of Leifor. The military ships that had arrived were refueled and restocked, and minor repairs were carried out to ensure operational conditions during the military operations to be carried out.

Additionally, monthball ships conduct activation activities around the clock. This causes the military port of Ragna and the nearby ship repair and production docks to be constantly active and very busy with people working, even at this pre-dawn hour. In fact, the civilian port of Ragna also participates in this activity, partially serving military purposes to bolster the military port's capabilities. The military and non-military ports of Ragna were bustling with people and glowed brightly due to the complete activation of the port's lights.

Suddenly, from the direction of the sea, more lights quickly approached the military harbor.

"Look! What's that!" Several people seemed to be shouting the same thing while pointing towards the sea.

The people in the harbor had not had time to do much or react when the lights, which were AS-1 missiles from the Mu Empire, hit their targets, the warships in the harbor. The large number of fired missiles immediately enveloped the harbor in fireballs from the explosions. At least one missile hit all ships in both the civilian and military harbors.

There were no alert ships in the harbor—not even a complete crew, many of whom were workers. This led to all watertight doors being open, and many ships even had their fire suppression systems not working. This caused even just one missile to cause fatal conditions on ships up to the light cruiser level. Even large ships have difficulty if only one missile is hit, unfortunately, all large ships are hit by more than one missile.

The unprepared damage control on board caused those hit near the waterline to become uncontrollably waterlogged and those hit far above the waterline to engulf in flames that gradually grew larger. Many people jumped into the water to save themselves. Unfortunately, explosions at the fuel tank site caused a lot of fuel to spill from the fuel tanks of some ships, which then ignited, turning the harbor's waters into a hellish blaze of flames. The embankment around the harbor, which restricted the water's flow both outside and inside, exacerbated the situation, causing the water temperature inside the harbor to quickly rise as the top burned with the spilled fuel.

The harbor's fuel storage was the target of several missile launches. Regrettably, the civilian and military harbors shared the fuel storage, leading to its massive size. Row upon row of huge fuel tanks were there. Missile fire struck some of the tanks, causing them to explode violently. The spilled fuel from the tanks spread widely, igniting other tanks that had escaped missile damage. Gradually, the temperature of the tanks rose, and within a few minutes, more and more tanks burst into flames and caught fire, spilling fuel everywhere. The chain reaction continued, and as the first tanks hit by the missile were located some distance apart, a complete fire in the entire tank field was inevitable. The chimney effect of the surrounding air sucked into the tanks sent flames soaring throughout the fuel storage area, reaching hundreds of meters high. The fire was so hot that tornadoes of fire even began to form as the hot air quickly rose upward, carrying the fuel vapors up and burning far above the ground.

Fuel from the fuel storage tanks also began to enter the harbor while burning due to the height difference and its location next to the harbor. The flow of fuel was so heavy that within a few minutes, hundreds of thousands of liters of burning fuel spilled into the harbor. This caused the fire in the harbor waters to intensify. Slowly, the water temperature increased until it finally reached boiling point, and the evaporation of water along with the fuel caused the fire to not only occur on the water surface but also rise above the water surface, burning a mixture of water vapor and fuel. The rapidly expanding water vapor caused fireballs to form that enveloped the ships and exacerbated their damage. No one could survive in that sea of fire. Even the ships cracked and slowly disintegrated due to the heat of the fire and the pressure of the water vapor.

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