Prologue - Twilight

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Jasper and Ophelia were laying on their comfy bed in their cabin in Alaska with her cat, Luna, laying next to the two. Jasper was cuddling Lia but he was also staring at the cat, his eyes black. Lia took notice of this and grabbed her cat.

"Jas. We've talking about this. Luna is not food!" She picked up her cat off the bed and held it close to her chest. He merely rolled his eyes and got up.

"I'm going to hunt. Coming?"

"No. I'm fine, love. I hunted yesterday." She responded still holding the cat close to herself. He noticed the change in her mood and sighed.

"I'm not gonna eat her darlin'. I promise." He laughed. She didn't find it very funny, however. "I promise." He carried on, hoping his wife would listen. He then grabbed her free hand and brought it to his lips. She smiled and set the cat back down on the bed.

"I believe you." She smiled at her mate, who was much taller than her. Leaning on her tippy toes, she kissed him and picked up her cat again while holding it like a baby. Jasper let out a laugh and ran outside. "Rose!" She called out for her adoptive sister, "can you come here for a sec?"

Suddenly, Rose was there by her side. "What's up?"

"I need to ask you something." She told her. Rose raised an eyebrow as if to say continue. "Jas and I are getting bored here, are you?" The blond sighed and nodded her head.

"Very. I heard Carlisle is thinking of moving again. Somewhere called 'forks' I don't think you've gone with us there yet."

"Yeah. Doesn't sound very familiar or anything." The brunette shrugged, still holding her cat. Alice suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Carlisle is calling a family meeting. Where Jas?"

"He's out hunting. I'll go find him." Ophelia told her. She set Luna down and ran out with vampire speed to find her husband.

Out in the snowy woods, she called out for Jasper. "Jas! Jasper! Carlisle is wanting to talk to us. Jas!" He appeared in front of her and put his arm around his mate.

"Let's go." He smiled down at her and they zoomed off to their house.


"Good, you're all here." Carlisle started "Esme and I have been talking. And I believe Rosalie would know what I'm about to say due to her overhearing-" Emmet interrupted him.

"More like eavesdropped."

"Shut up Emmet." Rose snapped at him. "Rose." Esme warned her. Rose rolled her eyes at her mother figure.

Carlisle continued what he was going to say, "Anyways, we are going to be moving to a small town called Forks. We've been isolated long enough here, it's time for a new environment. Even though some of us have gone there before, we always go back so it should not matter whether or not we have." Carlisle explained what the plan was and everyone agreed. Besides Jasper.

Lia felt her husband tense so she grabbed his hand. "It's okay darling. You won't hurt anyone." He looked down and sighed. "Sure hope so."

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