Chapter 12 : Betrayal

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After entering the library, Fujin first entered section 0 and searched for chakra control scrolls. After searching for a few minutes, he finally found the right one.

After finding a place to sit he opened it up and started reading while thinking, 'I can now walk on walls even in my sleep! I need to try tree climbing a bit and then move on to water walking if I want to improve my chakra control even further. If anyone asks where I learnt these things, I can refer them to this scroll.'

The scroll mentioned leaf concentration, tree climbing, and water walking. However, what surprised Fujin was that a scroll was referred to at the end of the scroll which presented a theory to improve chakra control even further.

To satisfy his curiosity, he searched for that scroll and started reading it. After reading the analyzed, 'Interesting. The scroll proposes a theory that chakra could be used to counterbalance ourselves against gravity itself.

By applying as much force as Gravity applies on us, one could float, and ascend or descend by applying higher and lower forces respectively. Still, no one has successfully managed to do this. Even Tsunade in the series didn't have any such skill and her chakra control was the best there was in the whole series.

As for others who flew like the 3rd Tsuchikage and the ones related to him, I think they used earth style to lighten themselves or something along those lines. I don't recall it properly. Anyways, this is an interesting theory. Maybe I could try it sometime later on.'

Keeping the scroll back, Fujin finally decided to get to his main task. He went into section E and grabbed the clone jutsu scroll. On opening it, he found that this jutsu needed only 3 seals. They were Ram, Snake, and Tiger in that order. He read the scroll further.

After reading it he thought, 'I see. Even though the hand signs are only 3, a lot more has to be done internally. The hand signs only act as a guide. So just knowing the hand signs won't be enough to be able to do the jutsu. Guess that scraps all my plans for Shadow Clone jutsu. Anyways, I should start learning this jutsu.'

After memorizing everything of importance regarding clone jutsu, he left the library. He went back to his apartment and started practicing the clone jutsu behind closed doors.

As expected, the jutsu was quite difficult. He had to make a couple of more trips to the library in order to read that scroll again. During one such trip, he saw Ginke watching him and smiling.

He thought, 'I guess he misunderstood that I'm visiting the library to learn more about the history and other stuff he covers in class. Well whatever, it's not a problem for me.'

He also temporarily scrapped his after-academy routine and focused entirely on the clone jutsu. Only after he ran out of chakra would he take a break and meditate.

It took 3 days for him to be able to make his first clone. And he was horrified by it! His thoughts were, 'I never thought I'd make worse clones than Naruto!!'

Only after a week was he finally able to create a decent clone. He practiced it for another week to get a hang of it and could do it at a much faster pace.

After that, he started to learn the transformation jutsu. Transformation was going to be a critical technique for him. He planned to disguise himself in order to train outside to ensure that he didn't attract much attention to himself. It also doubles up as training for infiltration missions.

In case anyone did catch him, he can use that excuse to get away. It took him a week to pull off transformation jutsu properly to a certain extent. He had transformed into his classmates. However, it wasn't entirely perfect.

There were still a lot of imperfections. And that was only in terms of appearance. He hadn't managed to transform his smell and chakra as mentioned in the scroll.

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