Chapter 45 : First Mission

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Exactly 1 month had passed since Renjiro had begun training his genins. After the morning workout and some rest, Renjiro announced, "Today, we'll do our first mission as a team." The squad reacted as soon as they heard that. Hoka said loudly, "Finally!" Mieko too excitedly said, "Yes! Now I'll show what an Uchiha can do. Sensei, what'll be our first mission? Will we fight with any enemy villages? Like Kumo or Iwa?" Hoka quickly followed up, "Yes sensei, what will our mission be? I want to use my Taijutsu to show how strong Konoha is to our enemies." Fujin looked at them and saw, 'Woah! Their eyes really are sparkling... I need to learn how to do that.'

Fujin just maintained an excited expression, but didn't say anything. His teammates' reactions made him feel very awkward. He thought, 'If only they knew what our first mission will be.... I wonder if all the adults have an unspoken truce to not mention this to any kid. Is it because they don't want to discourage anyone, or is it just the age old human behaviour - I had to go through this, I want you to go through it too..... Eh, probably the second case. Just looking at Renjiro's smug face says it all!'

Renjiro thought, 'Ah, it never gets old. Seeing fresh genins so enthusiastic about their first mission. Now, I wonder if that cat has gone missing again or not.' He said, "The mission will be given by Lord Hokage. So wait till we reach there to know which mission you'll be doing."

They began moving towards the Hokage's office. Hoka and Mieko ran at a lot faster pace than usual. On the way, Fujin thought, 'I didn't think we'd need to wait 1 whole month before taking our first mission. Such intense training for a whole month. I guess my timing of transmigration was really lucky. Having missed the 3rd war and Kurama's attack, and growing at a time when Konoha is lacking in manpower. I hope that training under Renjiro continues for a long time. Though it doesn't leave me with much free time, it has been very helpful in increasing my strength.'

The team arrived at the Hokage building, and had to wait a few minutes to enter the Hokage's office. On entering the office, everyone respectfully greeted Hiruzen, "Lord Hokage". Hiruzen, like always, had multiple stacks of papers on his table. He looked at team 3 and said, "Oh, so you guys are finally doing your first mission." He stared at Renjiro while saying that. However, Renjiro just shrugged and ignored the stare. Hiruzen sighed internally thinking, 'He messed up all the protocols. No missions for his squad for a whole month. The only other instance like this was when Orochimaru didn't make his squad do any missions at all for 6 months! Well, at least he agreed to take a few rank D missions unlike my student.'

He then looked at his assistant and asked, "So which missions do we have?" His assistant pulled a paper out and handed it to him. Hiruzen looked at it and said, "Lady Saigo wants a squad to weed her garden. This will be your mission." He then smiled kindly and said, "Do the job properly. Ensure that she gives us good feedback, and make Konoha proud."

Hiruzen's words shocked Mieko and Hoka. Hoka was muttering softly, "Wee...ed a ga..rde...n?" Mieko too muttered something similar. Fujin was shocked too. However, it was for a different reason. He really admired Hiruzen now. He thought, 'Damn!! He said that with such a straight face and with such a kind smile! Screw Danzo, this old man here is the real evil incarnate! It's no wonder that despite being so scheming and commanding such a strong force, Danzo never could do anything to Hiruzen. Poor guy never even had a chance. It almost makes me pity him!'

Renjiro saw his genins' reactions and chuckled. He thought, 'It's a pity that the cat isn't missing right now.' He grabbed the paper, saw the address and said, "Follow me." The genins followed him, however, this time Mieko and Hoka were moving very slowly.

On reaching the estate, Renjiro asked the guard to call Lady Saigo. Fujin observed the estate. It was huge! Mieko and Hoka didn't have much of a reaction as their clan estates were even larger. In a couple of minutes, a lady arrived. She was around 40-45 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall, had long blonde hair, looked very mature and carried herself in a proper manner. She greeted them, "Welcome Lord Renjiro. It's a great honor to have you here." Renjiro nodded and handed her the paper. She then looked at the kids and said, "So these strong ninjas will complete my missions. I am very fortunate to get ninjas as capable as you." Mieko and Hoka cheered up a bit on hearing the praise. However, Fujin could clearly understand that she was 'teasing' them. He sighed internally, 'There is no need for this mission to be given to ninjas. The only reason why she did that is for her own amusement. Sigh, these rich old ladies need to get a better hobby.'

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