Chapter 146 : First Mission as the Team Leader!

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The next day, Fujin returned to his training routine.

A few days later, Fujin was breathing heavily. However, there was a big smile on his face. The trees in front of him were riddled with holes!
He exclaimed, "Finally! I can perform Vacuum Bullets without using hand signs!"

In 11 days of training, Fujin had mastered the Air Bullet jutsu. The hand signs for the Vacuum Bullet jutsu were the same as the Air Bullet jutsu. He was able to perform it without hand signs a minute after mastering the Air Bullet jutsu. He practiced the Vacuum Bullet jutsu till he was comfortable and then began practicing the Infinite Breakthrough jutsu.

On the appointed day, he met up with Eiji. Eiji had marked his entire plot. Eiji showed him the markings and told him where and how deep to dig.

Eiji and his employees cleared the area and watched with anticipation. They were looking forward to Fujin's display. In the past, they had seen some amazing feats.

Unfortunately, they would be disappointed. They stood for a couple of hours to see Fujin use Earth Camp jutsu a few hundred times to dig up the hole. In fact, most got bored and left with disappointment.

Fujin checked his work and left the hole. He walked towards Eiji only to see a dumbfounded expression on his face. He asked, "What's the matter?"
Eiji sighed and replied, "Nothing."
Fujin said, "Please check if everything is alright."
Eiji complained in his heart, 'How can there be any mistakes when you work so slowly?'
He said, "It's alright. It'll decrease your construction cost by 400 thousand Ryo. I also talked with a Seal Master. We decided on 600 thousand Ryo cost. Is that alright?"

Fujin nodded and asked, "Can I watch when he inscribes the seals?"
Eiji said, "Sure. It's your house after all. I'll send a worker to your house to give you the message."
Fujin thanked him and left back for training.

The next afternoon, Fujin was practicing the Infinite Breakthrough jutsu. He had already learnt how to use it without any hand signs. Its similarity with the Great Breakthrough jutsu allowed Fujin to master it quickly. He was now practicing supercharging this jutsu quickly. However, he suddenly stopped practicing and looked in a direction.

He thought, 'Someone entered the training ground? Who? The chakra signature is very low. So either he is weak or good at hiding his chakra level.'

The person Fujin sensed was moving towards him. Fujin stopped practicing and waited to see who it was. After a little while, a young man in his early twenties appeared.

He looked at Fujin and asked, "Hey, you are Fujin, right?
Fujin nodded and asked, "Yes. Who are you?"
He answered, "I am Endo Tadao. I came here to call you to the Mission Center. You are called there."

[A/N : Calling the office where Team Renjiro was assigned missions as 'Mission Center' from this point onwards.]

Fujin thought, 'Are they finally assigning me a mission? Is he a messenger or someone who works there?'

He replied, "Alright, I will be there."
Tadao looked at Fujin. He seemed to have no intention to leave. He said, "Can you leave now? They have called you immediately."
Fujin sighed and said, "Alright."

Tadao expected Fujin to follow him back. However, Fujin just disappeared! He was shocked, 'What the hell? I just blinked my eyes and he disappeared!'

He immediately looked around himself but didn't find anyone. However, he saw the destruction Fujin had caused in that training ground. He muttered, "He really left like that. Shichiro wasn't lying about his skill and strength."

He turned around and began running back to the Hokage building.

Fujin flickered to the Hokage building. He entered the building and walked into the mission center.

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