Chapter 49 : Consecutive Rank C Missions

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They soon reached the village. On entering the village, the girl on Renjiro's back got a few curious looks. The squad entered the Village Chief's house again and laid the girl down on a bed in his home. Renjiro said, "She needs immediate medical care." The Village Chief nodded and went out to send someone to call the village doctor.

At that moment, a middle-aged man came running towards the Village Chief house. On seeing the Village Chief, he quickly asked while sobbing, "Chi... Chief, daughter? Is she...?" The Village Chief quickly calmed him and said, "Yes, she's safe. Enter my home." He quickly ran to the house and rushed to his daughter. On seeing him running, Renjiro stopped him and said, "She's injured, don't hug her or hold her tightly." The man finally stopped and sat down next to the bed and began sobbing after seeing the bandages on his daughter.

Soon a doctor arrived and began attending to her. The father and the village chief thanked Renjiro and the genins again and again. After a few minutes, the Village Chief handed Renjiro a paper, and the squad left the village and moved back to the town.

After reaching the town, Renjiro said, "Take today off. Explore this town. However, stick together. We'll meet in the same restaurant as yesterday's at 1 pm." After he left, Hoka said, "You know, because so much happened, I didn't notice that we completed the mission and returned back to this town in merely two hours!" Mieko nodded. Fujin sighed and said, "Yeah, and the actual fight didn't even last for a couple of minutes. Even though killing was hard to adjust to, the fight itself wasn't a challenge."

Hearing that, Mieko asked for all the details. Hoka had already seen it all with his Byakugan, so he didn't ask for it. After giving out the details, Mieko felt a bit anticlimactic about the rank C mission. Fujin chuckled and said, "Next time you snap at that guy, force him to give us a rank B mission." Hearing that, Mieko loudly replied, "Hey, who snapped?" This yell attracted the attention of nearby people and made Mieko go red with embarrassment. She thought for a bit and said, "But yeah, I guess we should ask for rank B missions."

The kids then toured around the town. They tried some of the local food there and played a few games. At 1 pm, they met up with Renjiro in the restaurant. After occupying the seats, Renjiro looked at Fujin and asked, "So, how are you doing?" Fujin said, "I am doing fine sensei." Renjiro nodded satisfactorily and said, "Good. You have handled your first kill very well. I am proud of you." He then looked at Mieko and Hoka and said, "Next, it'll be your turn. Prepare yourselves. The two young ninjas nodded nervously.

Lunch came and the team started eating. While they were eating, Mieko suddenly asked, "Sensei, when can we do Rank B missions?" Renjiro squinted his eyes and asked, "What brought this on?" Mieko said, "We want to fight against the enemy ninjas. Just fighting bandits is not much fun." Renjiro scoffed and said, "Hmph. You guys ain't ready." However, he saw Mieko's determined face. Knowing the trouble she'll cause, he quickly added, "If you ask this again, or pester me for rank B missions, I'll make you do rank D missions for an entire year." This threat made Mieko quiet down quickly.

Team Renjiro didn't do much for the rest of the day. The next morning, a similar procedure was followed. Team Renjiro was hiding in a Bamboo forest, while looking at the Bandit hideout. The bandits had cleared out a small area, and constructed 3 small huts and 1 medium-sized hut to serve as their base. The medium-sized hut was in the centre, while the other 3 were around it. Fujin had sensed 12 people inside those huts. Renjiro asked, "So, who wants this one?" Mieko beat Hoka by saying, "ME!" Renjiro nodded and said, "Alright, we'll leave this hideout to you."

Mieko began walking forward stealthily. But soon she stopped and returned. She looked at Hoka and asked, "Hoka, do they have any hostages?" Hoka checked and answered, "No, all 12 seem to be bandits." Mieko asked, "How many are there in each of the huts?" Hoka answered, "There are 9 in the central hut, 2 in that hut, 1 in the hut on the right and the last one is empty." Mieko nodded and used Earth Military Movement jutsu to stealthily move forward.

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