Chapter 120 : The Hiding Spot

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Seeing Junji breathe his last breath, Fujin withdrew his sword and said, "He was tough!"

Hoka and Mieko also withdrew their attacks and nodded. Junji's body fell to the ground. Hoka said, "Yes. For so long, despite getting attacked so much, he never allowed me to hit any of his chakra points!"

Mieko nodded. She was about to say something when her eyes fell on Fujin. She instantly became annoyed and asked, "Why do you keep running away and sneak attacking?"
Fujin shrugged and replied, "It's fun."
Hoka and Mieko's faces immediately became dark.

Renjiro's clone flickered in. He looked at his three students proudly and praised them, "Great work! Though he was a bit exhausted after fighting me, you three managed to kill a full-fledged Jounin!"

All three looked at him. Hoka asked, "Should we reinforce you Sensei?"
Before the clone could answer, they heard from behind, "No need."

Immediately the three turned around to see Renjiro. Renjiro finally managed to kill his opponent. He sealed his body and was coming to help his clone when the trio killed Junji.

Renjiro's clone dispelled himself. Renjiro received all his memories.

He looked at his students and said, "Good work. Did you store their bodies?"
His students all shook their heads. Renjiro said, "Store their bodies and assemble back here within 2 minutes. Fujin, bring Hotaka as well. Also, don't steal their belongings. For missions that particularly state to kill some ninjas, you shouldn't steal their belongings as they may have something that the village needs. Also, their belongings could have traps."

The trio nodded and flickered. They went to their own battlefields and sealed the dead bodies in the scrolls. Fujin flickered towards Hotaka and looked at him. Both he and his dog were wrapped in multiple bandages.
Hotaka looked at Fujin and asked, "Is it over?"
Fujin nodded, "All enemies are dead."

Hotaka was surprised. He thought, 'I just asked for formality! They managed to kill a team of 6 ninjas who we couldn't pin down for days in just 30 minutes!'

While Hotaka was lost in his thoughts, Fujin sealed Doi's body in a scroll. He asked, "Can you move?"
Hotaka got up and replied, "Yes. None of my injuries was serious."
Fujin nodded and said, "Alright. Sensei has asked us to assemble. Follow me."

Within a couple of minutes, everyone was assembled where Renjiro was within a couple of minutes. Renjiro had sealed Junji's body.

Renjiro looked at everyone and said, "Report your status."
Mieko replied, "No injury. Chakra around 15%."
Hoka said, "No injury. Chakra around 25%."
Fujin said, "No injury. Chakra around 40%."
Hotaka wasn't aware of the protocol in Team Renjiro. However, on hearing the three chunins, he understood and said, "Minor injuries. Chakra around 35%."

Renjiro nodded and said, "Get ready. We will be attacking the 2nd team from Kiri as well."
The trio were surprised. Fujin asked, "Sensei, wouldn't it be better to rest and recover our chakra first?"
Both Mieko and Hoka agreed with Fujin but didn't say anything.

Renjiro answered, "Normally yes. But our enemies would run away. And we are in the land of fire, so our reinforcements will be coming soon. Unfortunately, we can't wait for them."

Without explaining the exact details, Renjiro flickered. His students immediately followed him. Hotaka was dumbfounded once again at how suddenly they disappeared! He immediately followed their scents.

Renjiro arrived at the place where the pond that the Kiri ninjas were hiding in was. Fujin, Mieko, and Hoka reached there soon after. Hotaka was the last one to reach. They were standing on the opposite end of the pond.

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