Chapter 119 : Desperate Defense

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The Earth Dragon's explosion sent cracks through the hardened rock. But the ground also absorbed the impact of the blast. So the Rock dome stayed intact. However, at the next moment, a Vacuum bullet hit the Rock dome and penetrated it.

Junji, who was pouring his chakra into the Rock dome, immediately noticed it and moved to his right. He was always on alert for another sneak attack. However, he didn't have much time to move. Though he dodged, the bullet created a deep cut in his upper left arm as it passed.

Junji winced but he had no time to worry about the pain. While dodging the Vacuum bullet, he couldn't supply chakra to the Rock dome anymore. Renjiro's clone noticed it and slammed his hands on the ground again.
'Earth Release : Earth Flow Divide jutsu'

The ground under the Rock dome immediately began splitting apart. Realizing the danger, Junji created an opening in his Rock dome and moved out. The ground under the rock dome kept splitting apart. It split for 10 meters when the entire Rock dome collapsed inside it.

As soon as Junji moved out, a Vacuum bullet and an Earth spear attacked him. But he managed to dodge them both. Fujin concluded, 'Looks like killing him with a long-range attack is not possible.'

Fujin and Renjiro's clone weren't the only ones who targeted Junji as soon as he left the dome. Hoka and Mieko also got into action. They flickered in front of him.

Mieko immediately threw a few shurikens, while Hoka ran forward to block his chakra points. Junji immediately dodged the shurikens. Hoka used that opportunity to close the distance between them and attack him.

Junji blocked Hoka's attacks while analyzing, 'How did these brats get here? Did they defeat our chunins? Or did they get reinforcements who freed them up? I am getting worried about Doi. I need to break free quickly!'

Junji had his back against the wall. Realizing that he would not be able to break free by staying on defense, he decided to go on the attack. He started with Hoka who was fighting him.

Unfortunately for him, the enemy's attack was too intense. He tried to gain an advantage against Hoka, but Hoka's Taijutsu was as good as his! Additionally, he had to keep an eye out for Mieko's shurikens, Fujin's Vacuum bullets and Renjiro's long-range jutsus.

With Hoka fighting in close range, Vacuum Bullet became too dangerous to use. While it did apply pressure on Junji, Fujin concluded that it won't create much of an effect. So Fujin flickered and joined Mieko and Hoka as well.

Junji noticed Fujin and thought, 'So it was him. Looks like there are no reinforcements. But does this mean that all 3 of them won their fights?'

His face grew grim as he concluded, 'We underestimated them. This mission is now a total disaster!'

Fujin stayed behind Hoka and made a few hand signs. Junji kept a close eye on Fujin.

Renjiro's clone observed his students and analyzed, 'All 3 of them are here. So all four of the enemy chunins should be dead.'

He smiled, 'I never thought that I would be the slowest to deal with my opponents. My main body seems to still be in a deadlock.'

Renjiro's clone stayed behind and just observed his students. Just his presence alone created a lot of pressure on Junji. He wanted his students to get the experience of fighting against an experienced Jounin. After all, missions tend to go bad frequently. The next time, he wouldn't be around to keep an eye on them.

Hoka kept engaging Junji in hand-to-hand combat. Mieko used her Shurikens to make openings for Hoka. While Fujin used his air bullets to not allow Junji any retreat.

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