Chapter 147 : A Scheme Targetting Konoha

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Fujin and his squad moved quickly through the forest. Kaneie took the position at the front while Fujin was in the rear. Occasionally, Fujin used to activate his chakra field and sense his surroundings.

Fujin sighed thinking, 'This is tough without Hoka. I could divide this job with him to reduce my workload. And, his eyes could notice the stuff I missed and vice-versa.'

After some time, Yasuoka asked, "Fujin, you became a Chunin in the last Chunin exam, right?"
Fujin replied, "Yes."
Yasuoka asked again, "Who were your Sensei and teammates?"

Yasuoka and his teammates were getting very bored by moving without talking even a bit. And talking among themselves while ignoring Fujin would have been rude. So Yasuoka began talking with Fujin.

Fujin didn't have much of an interest in interacting with them. There wasn't much benefit in doing it. But, as they kept on talking, Fujin realized that those guys were fun. So their talks became more cordial.

At some point, Fujin asked, "How often do you guys do such missions?"

Tadao answered, "It depends on our expenses. Usually, we do one or two missions per month. Shichiro assigns a Chunin to our team to lead the mission."

Fujin asked, "And do you always do missions together?"

Kaneie nodded, "Yes. For rank C missions, we are together as a team. But, if someone needs some extra money, then they take some rank D missions solo."

Fujin thought, 'Not bad. I guess it is a good method of making money. Well, at least to handle day-to-day needs. Plus with the same team, they should be very familiar with each other and should have solid teamwork. Unfortunately, they are too weak. If they were at least Chunins, their team could have been slightly famous.'

They continued moving towards their target. While moving, Fujin seriously considered, 'Should I create such a team too? Having teammates with a good bond, teamwork and complementary skills could ease up the missions quite well.

But, even if I decide to make such a squad, who should I include? The only ones that come to mind are Mieko and Hoka. Perhaps I could even ask Teru and Yori as well. Though I haven't met them for over a year.

That said, both Mieko and Yori will die soon. So there isn't much point in including them. Also, both Hoka and Teru are quite headstrong. And, neither have the fire element or the genjutsu skills that an Uchiha brings to the table.'

Fujin thought for a bit before finally giving up, 'Leave it. Such a team works for these guys because they are all equally weak and have no great ambitions. Among the strong, no such teams ever formed. The only squad with an all S rank roster that comes to my mind is the Sannins. And, even they broke up.'

The journey to the reported area took 7 hours. Fujin sighed internally, 'If I was with my previous squad, we could have reached here in three hours. Unfortunately, not only were these guys slow, but they also needed 2 breaks! I guess expecting the same level of fitness and capability as my old squad was a bit too much. Probably only Anbu or Jounin squads will have a higher efficiency than us.'

Fujin and the genins were observing the area. There were clear signs of a fight happening at that place.

Yasuoka observed the surroundings and said, "There are multiple broken carts here. Looks like the attack had taken place here."

Kaneie snorted in displeasure, "Those cocky bandits didn't even bother to hide and cover up their actions."

Fujin too wondered about that, 'That's weird. None of the dozens of bandit camps we cleared had such stupid bandits. It's as if they want to let others know that they created trouble. But why would a bandit group attract unwanted attention?'

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