Chapter 15 : Sensor

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The next morning, Genki showed up at Fujin's house at 8 am. After picking him up, they went to a training ground.

Fujin saw that a middle-aged man, probably in his late 20s or early 30s was waiting. He noticed that the man had a Yamanaka crest on him.

He thought, 'Should have guessed. In Konoha, they are the best sensors.'

Genki approached him and said, "Yo. This is the kid I was talking about. Fujin, he is Shin. He was my classmate. He is a special jounin. He'll be giving you tips on how to become a sensor. He may seem grumpy at times, but don't worry, he is a very kind person."

Fujin nodded, "Good morning Shin sensei"
He noted that Shin, who was already looking a bit mad at Genki's introduction, seemed even more grumpy after he greeted him.

Shin angrily said, "Damn you Genki. Not only do you give such a shit introduction but now are also trying to pull me into being a sensei?"

He then looked at Fujin strictly and said, "Kiddo, don't ever call me Sensei."

Fujin wondered, 'Why is everyone so strange?' while Genki asked mockingly, "Damn, why do you have to be so grumpy so early in the day?"

Fujin acted to show he was nervous and asked, "So what do I call you?"

Shin thought for a few seconds, and then put up a smile on his face, with his eyes almost sparkling, and said "Call me Shin aniki."

His face looked borderline creepy.Fujin's expression immediately became entirely plain and almost blurted out, 'Why don't I call you old geezer?'

Genki facepalmed and scolded, "Stop being creepy. Let him call you sensei!"

Shin sighed in disappointment and replied, "Alright, leave it."

Then looking at Fujin he said, "Alright kiddo, first let's see how talented you are in becoming a sector. If your talent is very poor, then I won't be teaching you and you shouldn't waste your time on it either."

He first lectured Fujin a bit about what sensors do and how. Then instructed Fujin to sit in a meditative pose and told him how to sense his chakra field. It took nearly half an hour for Fujin to sense his chakra field. The instructions were very helpful.

Shin then tested Fujin's chakra field a bit. After some testing, he concluded that Fujin's chakra field had a radius of 7.3 metres.

Shin commented, "7.3 metres, not bad. An average ninja has a chakra field of 4 to 5 metres. In my Yamanaka clan, we train our youngsters in becoming a sensor if their chakra field exceeds 7 metres, while for other Konoha Shinobi, the minimum requirement is 5.9 metres.

However, that is just the bare minimum. Quite a few in the Yamanaka clan had their chakra field exceed 10 metres before they started training to become a sensor. I myself had a radius of 10.6 metres. So while you can become a sensor, you'll have to do a lot of hard work. So are you sure you still want to train to become a sensor?"

Fujin processed all the information quickly and nodded. Shin said, "Alright, I'll guide you. However, the process of training to become a sensor is quite complicated. We will need proper training facilities. I'll take you to the place where Konoha sensors are trained. You will start visiting there daily at 10:30 am from tomorrow onwards."

Genki nodded at his former classmate. He looked at Fujin and informed him, "Lord Hokage will have your seals ready by tomorrow. Report to his office tomorrow at 6 pm."

Fujin nodded and said, "Thank You sensei"
He then accompanied Shin to the training facility. The location was slightly away from the residential areas. It was in the middle of one of the many mini-forests in Konoha.

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