138 : Death of a Powerhouse!

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Team Renjiro ran in different directions at a fast speed. However, they were all very exhausted. Kakuzu could match Renjiro's speed. While Kaminari and his clones were faster than Fujin and his teammates.

After flickering 8 times, Fujin's chakra finally hit a low. He hid behind a tree and took deep breaths. Using the last bits of his chakra, he made a few hand signs.

Kaminari arrived almost immediately after Fujin. He saw the tracks left behind by Fujin and saw where he was hiding. He went around the tree and appeared in front of Fujin.

An evil smile appeared on his face. He said, "You brat destroyed half of my right ear. I will make you pay a thousand times."

He expected Fujin to be afraid. However, there was no hint of fear on Fujin's face. He was surprised. Fujin spoke with determination, "Ever since I became a ninja, I have always been determined to give my life for the village. Death doesn't scare me!"

Kaminari was stunned. But soon, he broke into a huge laughter, "Hahahahahaha"
He looked at Fujin with a cruel look in his eyes and said, "Brat, let me educate you. Death is kind. I will show you how miserable life is. By the time I am done with you, you will be begging for death! Hahaha."

Immediately a scared look appeared on Fujin's face. Kaminari's evil smirk grew bigger as he extended his arm to grab Fujin's neck.

At the same time, Hoka and Mieko were also caught by Kaminari's clones. They seemed too exhausted to fight back. Kaminari's clones approached them.

Soon after them, Renjiro was also chased down by Kakuzu. Kakuzu's Lightning mask appeared behind Renjiro and pushed him to the ground and pinned him down. Kakuzu appeared and said, "Your mastery of Water Element is very good! I will take your heart and replace my Water Mask with your heart!"

Renjiro's eyes widened as he processed this information. Threads appeared from the Lightning Mask and drilled into Renjiro's chest. However, Renjiro smirked. Kakuzu immediately had a bad feeling!


Renjiro exploded under the Lightning Mask. Kakuzu moved away quickly, but his Lightning mask wasn't able to. It took the full brunt of the explosion. The mask cracked. Kakuzu was stunned! He lost one of his hearts!

He watched where Renjiro exploded and thought, 'Shadow Clone Explosion jutsu! But when did he make a shadow clone? Was it when he was escaping? No, I was keeping an eye. He didn't have any chance to make a shadow clone. So when did he do it?'

Kaminari's Lightning clones approached Hoka and Mieko. As soon as they reached within range, both Hoka and Mieko exploded. The clones couldn't react fast enough and were caught in the explosion. Both were dispelled!

Though Lightning clones didn't transmit information, the main body could sense when the clones were dispelled. The clones were dispelled when Kaminari's hand was extending towards Fujin. Kaminari realized that both his clones got dispelled and became distracted for a fraction of a second.

Fujin noticed it and he exploded as well! Kaminari noticed and immediately moved backwards. However, his right forearm felt the explosion. Its skin was burnt!

His face became ugly. He thought in rage, 'When the heck did he create a shadow clone? He didn't have any chakra left to be able to create shadow clones!'

He looked around the area but found no signs of someone escaping. He moved towards where his other two clones were dispelled. But once again, he couldn't find any signs of Mieko or Hoka escaping.

After a few minutes of fruitless search, he ran back to where the fighting had happened. Kakuzu was inspecting the area.

He appeared behind Kakuzu. Kakuzu immediately noticed the half-blown ear and a burnt right eye. Kaminari also noticed that Kakuzu's cloak was destroyed.

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