Chapter 88 : Elemental Crystals

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Wind Training Room :

Fujin meditated for an hour, before waking up. He kept sitting on the mat while being very confused. 'What's this strange feeling that I kept getting the whole time? It's as if my wind affinity is increasing. Or perhaps my wind chakra is becoming more potent. Either way, it should be very good for my wind element. But how?'

He meditated again, and spread his chakra field throughout the room, 'Hmm, nothing here.' His chakra field then expanded into the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room.

And he noticed, 'What's this? It looks like there's a stone with a high amount of wind chakra in it. And it's very dense. It looks like while meditating here, we absorb chakra from it in small amounts. That's why I got that weird feeling.'

Fujin got off the mat and made a hand seal. 'Earth Military Movement jutsu'

He entered the floor. On entering the floor, he could see a lot of seals, and inside the seal was a green crystal. Fujin analyzed, 'Probably not a good idea to test these seals. But the crystal has very dense wind chakra. And it looks like it can help make our Wind element stronger. Is this chakra metal? Or something else like an ore? Well, let's call it the Wind Chakra crystal for now.

The important question is, can I absorb it faster? And, how can I get more of them? Also, I need to check whether all other elemental training rooms have something similar.'

He went above the floor and thought, 'I should have dinner for now. After dinner, I'll check if I can absorb this energy rapidly. I wonder what benefits I'll get from this. Though I should also be careful in case it's harmful to absorb it in excess.'

He left for dinner. He met Hoka and Mieko there. They had a small chat. The chunins in the tower also introduced themselves and had small talks with the genins. After dinner, Fujin returned to the Wind Training room.

He began meditating and tried absorbing as much energy as he could from the Wind Chakra crystal. While meditating, his entire focus was on the Wind Chakra Crystal and its energy.

In the first 6 hours, he didn't have much success. However, sometime after that, he began steadily absorbing energy from the crystal. He lost himself in meditation, completely losing the sense of time! When he opened his eyes, it was already 7 AM!

Fujin analyzed, 'I didn't have much success initially. But I think I managed to use up 1% of the energy of the crystal in this meditation session. I wonder if this absorption rate is fast or slow. And how often does Konoha switch or recharge this crystal?

That aside, unlike what I previously thought, I don't absorb energy from the crystal directly. Rather, it refines my chakra. I have a feeling that I'll have a slightly easier time performing Wind jutsus.'

He frowned, 'Though improvement would likely be very minimal. I'll need to use up more energy from this wind chakra crystal to get a proper idea. I have a feeling that I might need a mountain of such crystals to get a significant boost.

That aside, it feels really good to train here. I ended up meditating all night and skipping my sleep, but I don't feel very tired at all! Though I should take a nap tonight. Meditation, though good, can't entirely replace sleep.'

After analyzing, he got up and left the room. While leaving the floor, he came across Tsume. She was surprised to see Fujin on the 2nd floor. Her eyes twitched and she asked, "Were you training the whole night?"

Fujin laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head, "No. I was meditating in the Wind training room. And I ended up falling asleep there."

Tsume's eyes twitched even more. She sighed and said, "It's good to train hard, but don't forget to rest. Or else, the training can be counterproductive."

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