Chapter 173 : The Uchiha Way?

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Fujin, Akihiko and Masaru had moved very quickly and silently. The 7 chunins who had left the tent didn't hear anything suspicious from the tent. They did hear some noise when the 4 chunins fell to the ground, but it didn't alert them much as they guessed that their leaders were frustrated by the difficulty of the next mission.

Inside the tent, Akihiko looked at Datsuron and asked, "Who are you?"

Datsuron answered, "I am Datsuron, a follower of Lord Jashin."

Akihiko asked, "Who is lord Jashin?"

As Datsuron answered, pride could be felt in his voice, "He is the god who we worship. He will save humanity!"

His reply surprised the Konoha ninjas. They all looked at him like he was an idiot!

Mieko asked, "Is he being serious?"

Shunko exclaimed, "Did he kidnap hundreds of children for a fake god?"

Akihiko sighed and said, "There are lunatics like him all over the world."

He asked, "Tell me how many people you have with you and their power levels."

Datsuron said, "We are led by Zankoku. He is the Grand Priest and is organizing a ritual for Lord Jashin. He has 7 Priests under him including me. Each Priest has 3 to 7 devotees under them and every devotee has 3 to 7 servants serving them.

A Priest is as powerful as a Jounin, a Devotee is as powerful as a Chunin whereas Servants can go up against Genins.

In total, we have 37 devotees and 140 servants."

The number alarmed the Konoha ninjas. Masaru muttered, "7 Jounins, 36 Chunins and 140 Genins. They are as strong as a normal ninja clan."

The others nodded. This mission could no longer be classified as a rank A mission.

Fujin thought, 'Two consecutive missions getting upgraded to the next rank. I wonder if this one would result in casualties as well. I need to be on guard.'

Akihiko asked, "How strong is the Grand Priest?"

Datsuron said, "I am not aware of his strength."

Akihiko frowned. Fujin said, "If we assume that he is as strong as an Elite Jounin, then this mission would be very difficult."

For once, Mieko and Shunto didn't disagree with Fujin.

Akihiko sighed and said, "If I knew that this mission would be so difficult, I wouldn't have brought you kids along. Sadly, we have no choice but to act. Stay on guard."

He looked at Fujin, Mieko and Shunko and said, "You are still very young. So you aren't aware of how the Uchiha clan operates in the missions. See how the events play out carefully. Especially Mieko and Shunko. In the future, you will have to lead Uchiha squads into missions."

Both nodded obediently. Fujin too heard carefully and thought, 'I am intrigued. I hope he puts up a good show.'

Akihiko asked Datsuron, "Are the children you kidnapped still alive?"

He answered, "Yes."

Akihiko asked, "Where are they?"

Datsuron answered, "They have been imprisoned in the cave."

Akihiko asked, "Why did you kidnap them?"

Datsuron answered, "Zankoku-sama is conducting a ritual. For this ritual to be successful, we have to offer young kids to Lord Jashin. If he is successful, he will receive the blessing of Lord Jashin."

His answer angered Mieko and Shunko. Masaru and Akihiko looked composed. Fujin analyzed, 'Blessings of Jashin? Is this ritual the one that granted Hidan his immortality? Did he also have to kill hundreds of young kids or did he use a different method?'

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