Chapter 152 : Boring......

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As the group proceeded ahead, they were attacked again on two occasions. However, in both instances, all enemies were killed without Fujin getting any chance to fight.

Fujin wondered, 'Are there so many rogue ninjas in this country? Or is Orochimaru trying to influence the environment here? After all, he shouldn't be able to create a hidden village while the Daimyo still exists. Then again, for him to kill off a Daimyo in secret shouldn't be much of an issue.'

Fujin wasn't able to arrive at any conclusion. So he dropped the thought.

On the day after, they reached the location and completed the mission. Without waiting, the Konoha team left back for Konoha.

As they were running on branches, Tamotsu asked, "So Fujin, how did you feel this mission was?"

Fujin answered, "Well… It was kinda boring."

Tamotsu laughed at that answer. He said, "Yeah. Most missions are boring. If we have exciting missions all the time, then we won't live for long."

Fujin thought, 'Yeah. That's true. Still, this is very boring.'

Ryota said, "Most rank B missions are like these. Our missions get interfered with by rogue Genins and Chunins. They are very easy to kill off."

Tamotsu added, "If the missions involve rogue Jounins or ninjas from another major village, then it'll be categorized as rank A or S. Or the Anbu will handle them."

Fujin nodded and said, "Yeah, that makes sense."

Tamotsu said, "Don't worry. I'll give you a more active role in future missions."

Fujin smiled and thanked him. However, internally he sighed, 'What's the use of having an active role against such enemies? They will die without even seeing me! It's fine for now, but I will need to find a way to get better missions after I'm done with my training plans.'

The team returned to Konoha without any issues and divided the rewards equally. They had a group dinner before leaving for home. Tamotsu asked the group to meet again in the Mission center after a week.

Fujin began meditating after reaching home when he heard a knock on his door. He wondered, 'Who'd come to visit at this time?'

He opened the door to see a familiar face. That person worked in Eiji's shop. He said, "Fujin-kun, the work on your house is completed. Eiji-sama wants to show it to you tomorrow at 9 AM."

Fujin replied, "Oh, that's great. I'll be there. Thank You."

The messenger nodded and left. Fujin thought, 'Kinda convenient that it got completed today. Right after my mission was completed.'

The next day, Fujin headed to the land he bought after completing his morning workout. When Fujin reached, he saw his new house.

Fujin thought, 'Wow! This looks great!'

The house in front of him was 3 storeys high. It was circular in shape and was quite huge. A circular fence was built around the house. The rest of his land still had trees making the surrounding of the house look great.

While Fujin was admiring his house, Eiji arrived. He asked, "Are you lost in its beauty?"

Fujin chuckled and said, "You have done a great job old man!"
Eiji chuckled and handed him a key and said, "I finished constructing it 3 days ago. But it seems like you were out on a mission."

Fujin thought, 'Oh. Was that guy checking my old house every night then?'
He nodded and said, "Yes, I returned yesterday evening."

Eiji said, "Let me show you the house from the inside."

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