Chapter 50 : Raid

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In the hideout, Hirota Masa was relaxing. He had joined the bandit group 3 years ago. He had already unlocked his chakra before joining the bandit group. When the leader of the bandits noticed him, he quickly recruited and trained him. Now he was one of the leaders of this group, and even had 2 subordinates who helped him in everything.

As Hiroto Masa was relaxing in a good mood, a hand, with two fingers pointing out, popped from the ground. It headed towards his chest from his back and released a heat ray that penetrated his heart and killed him on the spot. At the same time, Fujin slashed the head off one bandit, and Hoka jabbed two fingers in the chest of the remaining bandit. The raid had begun. All 3 bandits died, without even making a sound.

Fujin, Hoka and Mieko looked at each other and nodded. They separated and headed towards the other rooms. In less than a minute, the rooms on this side were all cleared. They had assassinated 16 bandits, including a ninja. They gathered together again, and looked in the main room. The bandits there were still unaware of the calamity upon them.

As decided, Fujina and Mieko split off in opposite directions, and began clearing the rooms there. Hoka, on the other hand, stayed there, and rigged the entrance to the main room with traps, so that the bandits couldn't escape in this direction. He created quicksand at the entrances, and also created a lot of rock spikes around the quicksand trap.

The second ninja bandit was closer to Mieko's location than Fujin's location. Therefore, she was the first one to reach him after she had killed 6 more bandits. Even though Mieko was as stealthy as she could be, the ninja noticed that something was amiss, and asked his two subordinates to be prepared. As soon as he saw Mieko, who was rushing towards him at a very high speed, he threw a few shurikens to disrupt her. Seeing her enemy throwing shurikens at her, Mieko thought, 'Damn, they noticed.' Mieko used her Sharingan to skillfully dodge the shurikens and thought, 'Oh well, this makes it more fun.' She quickly approached him. To maintain the stealth, she couldn't use any destructive Fire Release jutsus and had to close the distance to use Fire Release : Four jutsu.

She soon reached the appropriate distance and used her jutsu. Her right hand was stretched out, with her middle and index finger pointing towards the rogue ninja's heart and released the ray. Though the rogue ninja didn't know the jutsu Mieko was planning to use, her outstretched fingers warned him and he quickly moved backwards. Mieko followed, but the ninja hid behind one of his subordinates. Mieko screamed internally, 'Coward!' and changed her target. She focused the heat ray on the subordinate and killed him. However, the rogue ninja used this opportunity to throw 3 shurikens on Mieko. Mieko had to dodge quickly due to the small distance. She barely managed to dodge at the last moment.

She recovered, and was about to continue her attack, when a sword pierced through the heart of the ninja from his back. This annoyed Mieko as Fujin had stolen her kill. She said angrily, "I could have killed him by mys..." But a loud scream interrupted her.

Seeing his boss getting stabbed through his heart shocked the remaining bandit. And he yelled in terror. Realising her mistake, Mieko quickly threw a kunai at the bandit and killed him.

Fujin ignored Mieko and focused on the main room. The battle had already created enough noise to attract some attention. And the loud scream had got the attention of all the bandits in the hideout. Fujin sighed and said, "You weren't stealthy enough." Mieko snorted and replied, "Well, it doesn't matter anymore." She began making hand signs. Fujin flickered next to her, and made a hand sign too. At the same time, they released their jutsu, 'Fire-Wind Dragon jutsu'.

In the main room, the bandits were busy with sorting their recent loot. Some of the bandits had heard some noises from the side where Mieko was killing the bandits. However it was mostly ignored by them. But soon, a loud scream attracted everyone's attention. The 3 remaining rogue ninjas too were on alert. One of them directed 2 bandits to go in and check what was happening. Those 2 carefully moved towards the exit in that direction. However, right before reaching there, they suddenly felt a lot of heat. But before they could do anything, a dragon head, made of fire, entered the room and engulfed them. They immediately began screaming in pain.

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