Chapter 37 : A Spar with Sensei

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Next day, at 6 am, all the members of team 3 gathered in the training ground 17. It was a small open area in the center of a mini-forest. Renjiro was the last one to arrive. On seeing his genin squad already there, he wished them Good Morning and said, "As I said yesterday, before I begin training you three, I'll like to see what you can do. So we'll have a spar, you three versus me." He paused for a few seconds and said, "We begin NOW!"

As soon as he said that, he jumped forward with the intention to punch. It caught all the 3 genins off-guard. Mieko jumped backwards hurriedly and Hoka jumped to his left. Fujin, on the other hand, just flickered away. Renjiro's punch landed on the ground where the 3 genins were standing initially, and the ground cracked, causing a lot of dust to rise, which hid him. Renjiro thought, 'Not bad. I only intended to punch the ground in front of them, but I didn't think that all 3 would react so quickly. Especially Fujin, did he use Body Flicker jutsu without any hand signs?'

As soon as he used Body Flicker, Fujin thought, 'Damn! He attacked so suddenly that I flickered away by reflex.'

He then saw the dust rising up and covering Renjiro and so did Hoka and Mieko. Fujin immediately started sensing him, Mieko activated her Sharingan and Hoka activated his Byakugan. On sensing Renjiro, Fujin thought, 'Well now that I've shown it, I can't hide it anymore. So might as well spam it. Still I didn't think hiding my power would be so difficult. I really need to be more careful, in case he pulls a few more stunts like that. I hope I can protect the rest of my secrets for at least another year or two.'

While Fujin was thinking that, both Hoka and Mieko ran towards Renjiro to engage him in combat. Renjiro just stood there, waiting for them to begin their assault. Hoka was the first one to reach him, however, Mieko launched a few shurikens on Renjiro. Renjiro dodged them and then engaged Hoka in hand-to-hand combat. He was able to counter his Gentle Fist style very easily. When Mieko joined in, he suppressed both of them with rather ease.

However, he soon frowned. He tried to sense, but he couldn't sense Fujin at all. Taking the opportunity provided by his teammates, Fujin had disappeared from his sight and hid his chakra. Though Renjiro couldn't sense Fujin, Fujin closely monitored their fight, waiting for an opportunity to butt in. He soon found one when Renjiro punched Hoka. Fujin threw a shuriken with all his power.

However, Renjiro smirked and thought, 'A fake opening. Always works against brats.' He moved a step back to avoid the shuriken, however, the shuriken curved towards him. That surprised Renjiro. He was about to dodge again, when he felt 'No, something is weird.' So instead of dodging, he just caught the shuriken right out of its trajectory.

However, as soon as he caught it, he sensed 2 small chakra signatures behind him. He turned to see 2 wind spheres heading at him. He took a step to dodge, however, at the same time Mieko launched Fireball jutsu in the direction he was planning to dodge. Seeing that, he adjusted his direction and dodged both the jutsus and created distance from his students. Seeing that, Hoka rushed forward to engage him in close combat.

While Hoka was rushing towards him, Renjiro thought, 'Not bad at all. This doesn't seem planned, and their teamwork still needs a lot of work, but they are able to take advantage of the opportunities created by each other. Not to mention that I felt wind on that shuriken, which means that Fujin used Projectile Control jutsu on the shuriken. And instead of pressing forward on a hopeless assault, he took the advantage of that Fireball to disappear again.'

He engaged in another round of combat with Hoka and Mieko. Fujin, who was secretly observing the combat, thought 'An Elite Jounin indeed. That opening was a bait, to understand my location. Not to mention, he grabbed the shuriken outta thin air! Though, I wonder what he'd have done if I had infused that shuriken with wind chakra. Anyways, I wonder if I can fool him using a shadow clone.'

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