Chapter 142 : Plans for the Future

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Fujin went straight to his home after leaving. While moving, he thought, 'What a crazy mission. Never thought I'd run into Kakazu so early. I'm not ready to face Akatsuki. It's doubtful that I'd be anytime soon. Sigh, this world is so dangerous. I need to increase the intensity of my training. And I need better ways of escaping. I am not sure if Wind Instantaneous Body jutsu would be sufficient.'

After reaching his house, Fujin jumped into his bed. He was mentally exhausted from the encounter and physically exhausted due to running non-stop for hundreds of kilometers. He fell asleep.

He slept till late afternoon. After waking up, he thought, 'So what to do now?'
He thought for a bit and said, 'I will have to calculate a lot! Let me fill my stomach first.'

He went out for lunch and returned in the evening. Before returning, he went to the Hokage's building and booked the training ground 23 for himself for the next few months. After returning home, he grabbed a book and a pen and sat on his bed. He sat in a meditative pose and began analyzing.

After a while, he opened his eyes. He concluded, 'Konoha is notoriously famous for being very strict with Jounin promotions. It's safe to say that I won't become a Jounin for at least three years. Likely more.

So I won't get any access to any A Rank wind jutsus for a long time. And I already have learnt the good B rank wind jutsus. So once I master those B rank wind jutsus, I can work on diversifying my skill set.

Problem is that there are way too many things that I want to learn. Right now, the most important thing is mastering Air Bullet Jutsu and Vacuum Bullet jutsus. I need to be able to perform them without any hand signs.

I also need to learn to shoot multiple Vacuum bullets. But, from what Hiruzen said, I'll need quite some time before I'll be able to do it. He said that it will come naturally to me after performing a crazy number of Vacuum bullet jutsus. But, he didn't say how many times I'd need to practice it. I will make a decision on this after learning to use it without any hand signs.

Next, I'll need to learn the B rank wind jutsus and perform them without hand signs as well.
The next two important aspects are learning the Lightning element and learning Fuinjutsu. I am not sure how easy or difficult the lightning element will be. Especially since I have to keep it a secret.

As for Fuinjutsu, that should be easy. I can spam shadow clones for learning Fuinjutsu. But I won't be able to practice it alongside ninjutsu training. The best time to learn Fuinjutsu will be when I am learning Lightning manipulation. But, it will have to stop when I start learning Lightning jutsus. Hmm, I'll make the decision when the time comes.

After Lightning and Fuinjutsu, I will try those ideas I have for Wind jutsus. But, I am afraid that some of those applications of wind chakra could injure me if I don't control it perfectly. So I will need to learn Mystical palm before it.

My chakra control is very good, so learning Mystical Palm shouldn't be an issue.

Right now, the skills that I am happy with are the Senju Taijutsu style and Samurai Saber Technique. My Taijutsu and Swordsmanship are both excellent. Especially when paired with long-range Wind jutsus.

I would like to raise my Senju Taijutsu to Tsunade's way of fighting. But, it won't be easy. I had been trying it while training with Renjiro without a hint of success.

Also, before I try to learn more ninjutsus, I have to sort out my current jutsus. I have learnt quite a lot of jutsus. But I don't use a few of them. First, I have to decide which jutsus I want to keep using. Then I will have to perfect them.

That leaves just Genjutsu... I haven't focused on Genjutsu much. My focus has been more on Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. I guess I should learn that genjutsu Tobirama had created to fight against the Uchiha. But for the rest, it's probably best to not even try.
After all, no matter how skillful I may become, it's impossible to match the Sharingan in genjutsu. I might as well just focus on countering Genjutsu.

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