Chapter 25 : Chakra Flow

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He visited the library, and searched in all 4 sections he had access to. Surprisingly, he didn't find a single scroll on what he wanted. He thought, 'This is surprising. Does it mean that they are kept in a higher section or do they don't provide that technique for normal ninjas?'

While leaving the library, he analyzed for a bit more, 'Yeah, that might be the case. Infusing chakra into weapons isn't that big of a deal. If I recall right, most Samurai were able to do it. However in Konoha, Asuma was the only one I recall to do it. And Danzo too was able to do it, but his method was different.

Anyways, I suppose I'll have to try it myself. I don't think Genki or his friends might know this.'

On the way back to the mini forest, he thought of various ways to do it. His first thoughts were, 'Lets just try to flow my chakra through a kunai like I try to do it when trying to cut a leaf. Only, instead of trying to cut the kunai, I'll try to make its edges sharper.'

He then tried to implement that trick, however he had many troubles in doing it. He had instantaneous success in what he was trying to do as he was able to imbibe his kunai with his chakra on his first try. However, the chakra amount that got imbued was very low and even after trying to infuse more chakra in it for 2 days, he didn't improve much. Also while the kunai's sharpness and penetrating capabilities improved, it wasn't much and he didn't make any improvements over the couple of days.

He thought, 'What a bummer! This seems to be a dead end. I guess having a chakra blade might aid, but something seems wrong. Perhaps I'll improve if I stick to this, however it'll probably take years. I need to think of another way.'

He thought for a few hours, and then it clicked him. He decided to go the Hunter X Hunter way. He thought, 'Yeah, that's right. I could try the similar way as in Hunter X Hunter. I'll first try to release my Chakra and coat it all over my body. And then try and extend that coat to cover a kunai I'm holding. While the method is very inefficient, it should allow me to learn it faster. Once I'm able to do it, I'll have to practice doing it without coating my body and directly infusing Chakra into the kunai.'

Coating the entire body with Chakra wasn't something any ninja preferred to do. The reason was simple - insufficient Chakra. Doing it would exhaust the chakra of the user very quickly. From what Fujin could recall, apart from the Jinchurikis, only the Raikages coated their body with Chakra. Others would at most coat a body part or weapons to enhance them.

Fujin began training in the new way. And it was very exhausting. In merely 7 minutes, he ran out of chakra. However, he could see that he was making some progress in extending his chakra to kunai. It was slow, but a steady growth he observed in 7 minutes. He guessed that in around 10 attempts, he'll be able to perfectly coat the kunai with his chakra.

However, with the chakra exhaustion, he could probably only train it around 3 or 4 times in a day. Not to mention, there was much more to do after coating the kunai with his chakra. Not wanting to waste weeks on this, he decided to buy soldier pills.

After resting for a couple of hours, he went to his home to get cash and then left to buy the pills. He transformed in an alleyway and went to a shop that sold soldier pills. Soldier pills were extremely useful for a ninja. When he read it the first time, he was a bit amazed by it. A top quality soldier pill, could provide around 30 times the chakra of an average Jounin. And it didn't do it right away, but provided the chakra in small parts, every hour, consistently over 3 days. It also released enzymes which stimulated the ninja to stay awake for 3 days. That's why someone who consumed a soldier pill could fight for 3 days straight.

Unknown to Fujin, there were also better soldier pills, but they were custom made for top ninjas and not available for everyone.

Fujin decided to buy soldier pills of medium quality. These were mostly used by chuunins. Fujin's own chakra reserve now was much higher than average fresh genin. It was probably better than an average Genin. In the next year, his chakra reserves should grow to the same level as the weaker chuunin academy teachers.

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