Chapter 31 : Graduation Exam (1)

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Only a week was left for 4th year's exams. Genki followed the same procedure as last year and asked the students interested in participating in the Graduation Exam to meet him after class. Fujin thought, 'I guess it's time to finally become a ninja. There's not much that I can learn in the academy anymore. At best I could learn another element or a few more Genjutsu. If I don't attempt the exam this year, the teachers and maybe even Hiruzen could grow suspicious. And I'll definitely won't receive much help from them in the future. As for tanking the exam, I am not confident that I could fake my performance convincingly enough for someone who has decades of experience. Either way, I believe I am ready now.' After the class, Fujin visited Genki and confirmed his participation. Genki smiled and wished him good luck.

With just a week left for the exams, Fujin started to focus on the syllabus for written exams. The syllabus was actually quite surprising. He recalled back when Genki started teaching this in the academy. He was teaching Trigonometry. Fujin's first thoughts when he saw that was, 'Trigo? For fucking 9 year old kids? What's next? Differentiation and Integration?' As annoyed as he was by it, he was extremely surprised when Hana was able to solve them perfectly. He mentally screamed, 'How the fuck can 9 year old kids learn Trigo so easily?' He sighed at how much smarter the kids here were and continued with his studies.

He also wanted to be perfectly prepared while going on missions. He stopped learning new seals, and instead had his clones focus on making a few essential objects for him. He bought 2 ninja waist bags, 2 ninja leg pouches and a couple of metallic wristbands. He then had his clones make storage seals on these items.

The Fuinjutsu scroll in section D of the library expanded a bit on the storage seal. It explained ways to increase or decrease the size of the storage space, as well as manipulating its shape. It wasn't very difficult as it only increased or decreased the number of space symbols involved. So the seal itself was still very basic. However, this was very useful for Fujin.

In the interior of the ninja waist bags, Fujin managed to draw 7 storage seals. For ninja leg pouch, he was able to draw 4 seals. These had a lot less space as compared to the seals he made on scrolls, however, considering that their purpose was to enhance the capacity of the bags and pouches, it was very handy!

For the leg pouch, 2 seals could store 6 kunais each, and other 2 seals could store 24 shurikens each. He then created various triggers to refill the pouch from weapons in the storage seals. This way, his weapon supply would be much larger.

For the waist bag, the seals could store a lot more. But he hadn't yet decided what to fill in here. He did have some ideas like a First-aid kit, ninja ropes, scrolls, seals that stored elements, more weapons, explosion tags, soldier pills, ration bars and so on.

For the wristbands, he made one small seal on each of them. When he wears the wristbands, these seals will be directly under his palms. The seals created a cuboidal storage seal which was around 15cm*15cm*100cm. Both these seals were made to store swords. This way, he could quickly access his swords whenever he wanted to. Other than this seal, he planned on drawing 3 more seals on each wristband. For the seals on the opposite side to the current one, Fujin planned on buying huge sturdy shields and storing them there. If he ever gets in an awkward position where he can't defend himself with the rock shield, he'll depend on this shield to provide cover to himself. However, since he wasn't sure about the size of shield he'd buy, he didn't draw that seal. Other than these 2, he planned on inscribing 2 more storage seals on the wristband, but for now he didn't have any idea what to store in there. So he left it for the future.

[A/N : Ideas for the above are welcomed]

On the day before the exam, Fujin, under a disguise, bought a lot of weapons. He bought 96 shurikens and 24 kunais to fill both the leg pouches. He also bought 12 explosion tags to attach them to 6 kunais in each of the pouches. In all it cost 65k Ryo. He bargained and got them for 55k Ryo under the false promise of buying again in the future.

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