Chapter Four

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Three months later

After traversing the dreaded Southern Eastern mountains, Henry figured he could easily survive the gelid season in Aristol now. Well, that is, if he did not need to sleep in the rough snow with minimal means of warmth. Yes, he could deal with the bitter weather if he could remain indoors through most of it.

Right now, however, that was not the case.

Henry scanned his surroundings—the wondrous field surrounding the town had been completely blanketed in white and every step he took accompanied a horridly crunching sound. He brought a gloved hand up to his mouth and paused to admire a few iced grass blades poking through. He smiled at their resilience. Even grass had better strength than him—

"And stay dead!" Elouise's shout startled him around in time to witness the trollbie being flung past him in a wave of flames.

Henry leaped backwards and gawked as the creature collided with a nearby tree, causing the bark to ignite. The trollbie landed flat onto the snowy ground, burnt to a crisp. Henry looked at the tree in panic, his mind racing with what the best option could be.

Then he caught sight of Elouise striding toward him. Not a wrinkle in her white and gold attire or a hair out of place of the braid Gidget had done for her. How she managed these practice fights so gracefully still bewildered him.

She stopped beside him and giggled. "I believe that was my best attempt yet." Then she waved her hand and put out the flames without breaking a sweat.

"Let us not get too confident yet," Ashton stated. Henry turned his head, finding him staring at them from where the trail of melted snow began.

Elouise groaned. "And why should we not? You said it yourself last week; I am progressing much faster than anticipated."

"Indeed, you are," Ashton agreed, inching closer. "Still, that doesn't mean you are ready to face him—yes, I know you are exhausted of hearing me repeat myself every day, but I only say it because I don't want anything happening to you. You're currently without any sort of guard. If you are wounded, that could be the end of you."

"You should have more faith in me, Ashton. If I'm wounded, I can teleport myself to safety and hold out until I recover. Let's not forget how excellent I've gotten with that."

"That will not work if you managed to exhaust your abilities beforehand. How are you feeling right now?"

Elouise's frustration visibly dwindled. "I feel as though I could practice for much longer." And she smiled sweetly at Ashton like that would help convince him to allow her to stay out here for another hour. No, this was usually when they stopped.

Henry had an inkling that wouldn't change today.

Ashton chuckled. "I admire your enthusiasm, Elouise, but—"

"Oh, no. Not that..."

"—are you not expecting a visit from Lord Udolf?"

"That is today?" Elouise helplessly turned to Henry.

Henry merely smiled in return.

She frowned and lowered her shoulders. "I am in no mood to discuss anything with him."

"It need not be for long," Ashton assured her, stopping in front of them. "Keeping him close was your idea, after all."

Elouise wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. "Yes, but that was when I'd assumed he would share something useful by now. Either he truly has not figured out anything or he is lying to me."

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