Chapter Six

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Falling fresh snow peppered her hair and her gray cloak. She threw the hood over her head and resumed picking her fingernails with the tip of her blade, irritated by the grim stuck beneath. She sat atop the town wall near the temple. It was... peaceful and reminded her of the few things she'd missed about Aristol.

"How the hell did you sneak that note into my pocket, Haven?" she heard Udolf's voice from below.

Haven smirked as she peered down at him, and he glowered in return.

"You're forgetting who taught you all the tricks you know," she said.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, blatantly ignoring her statement.

"Why're you asking me that?" Haven turned and stepped down onto a wobbly crate and he instinctively reached up. She smacked his hand away and leaped off, landing directly in front of him. "You are the one who wrote to me for months, begging me to return. Now you're angry that I'm here?"

Udolf stepped back, his lip curling. "I'm angry it took you this long."

"I had business to finish first. You know how I hate leaving a job unfinished."

"But leaving Inferum cantivat without a word was fine?"

"That was not a job, Udolf." Haven walked past him, purposely bumping his shoulder with hers. "So, is this problem of yours still a problem?" She turned on the heel of her boot and grinned at him. "What did you need little ole me for?"

Udolf's annoyance faded from his features, and the lines on his forehead straightened out. "Godwin has Eldon."

Haven frowned. "What?"

"I haven't spoken to Godwin since. No one from Inferum cantivat seems to know anything either. Or they simply don't want to tell me."

Haven huffed. "The fuck do you need me for, then?"

"You always knew how to get into contact with him. After all, you were undeniably his favorite."

"I highly doubt that still remains true." She smirked at him and shrugged.

Udolf shook his head. "Haven, this is serious."

"Why?" She squinted at him, cocking her head as she drew even closer to him. "Since when do you care about Eldon? I remember you telling me the mere sight of his face made you sick."

Udolf folded his arms across his chest in that way he did whenever he tried to appear intimidating. She almost laughed.

"That's still true," he admitted, casually. "This isn't about saving him because I care about his well-being."

"So, what is this about, then?" Haven raised her eyebrows.

His cheeks were already rosy from the bitter air, but she noticed when a darker shade of red began to color them. He then lowered his gaze to the ground, piquing her curiosity. It wasn't often she got to witness a flustered Udolf. At least not anymore.

"Princess Elouise is devastated without him," he mumbled.

Haven couldn't resist snickering then. He snarled at her, of course, and she quickly regained herself by clearing her throat.

"Since when do you care about how something affects her?" she questioned, putting her right hand on her hip. "I also recall you once telling me—this exact time last year, in fact—how your desire was to make her fear you."

Udolf's expression softened and he looked away. "I know what I said."

"Is helping her somehow part of that elaborate plan?"

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