Chapter Forty-Seven

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Henry knew how to drive Haven mad. He had to be one of the most stubborn people she knew.

Unfortunately for him, she was just as stubborn. And she grinned after forcing him to chug more water from a stream she'd found. Although Henry swallowed, he coughed up some of it and turned red as the cough persisted.

Haven snickered. "You'll thank me once it passes."

Henry sucked in a deep breath and glowered at her. "You are terrible," he managed, his voice hoarse.

"If I was as awful as you claim, Henry, you'd be dead right now." Haven set aside her leather pouch and shrugged. "Instead, I'm bringing you water. Where's the terror in that?" She smiled. But as she watched him slowly close his eyes, she started to realize how heavy her eyelids were, too.

Henry sat up a little more.

"See?" Haven gestured to him. "Already feeling better." He didn't smile, though, and she eventually sighed. She then sat beside him, leaving reasonable space between them, and she yawned.

"Being stabbed close to the heart really does wear you out."

Henry's frown deepened as he side-eyed her. "How are you feeling?"

"Better... but tired." Haven chuckled and closed her eyes.

"Shouldn't one of us stay awake in case anything happens?"

"Does anything ever happen in Caelum?"


"I'm sure we can survive." She took a deep breath, relaxing her shoulders. Although she was sure Henry kept talking, his voice became distant and drowned out as her exhaustion took over.

Even so, Haven swore she couldn't have been asleep longer than a few minutes. But opening her eyes proved it'd been hours.

"Shit!" she gasped. "It's morning!" She nudged Henry, and he didn't even flinch.

Haven huffed and elbowed him harder, causing him to grunt and touch his side.

"Wake up, Henry. The sun's out and they're not back yet."

Henry finally opened his eyes wide and glanced around.

"Just how far is that manor?" she asked.

"It's not... it's not far at all." He scratched his head.

"Well, I hope you got enough water and rest, because we need to get going. Now."


As Henry had said, Lady Rowe's home wasn't far at all from where they'd been. There was no reason for Elouise and Ashton's absence. Unless Elouise had gotten tired and decided to rest there for the night. Haven couldn't imagine that even crossing Elouise's mind, though.

"We will not worry until we take a look around inside," Henry said as they approached the rusted iron gate.

"Who said I was worrying?" Haven jested.

"Were you not the one who pulled me off the ground to come with you?"

"You could've taken Bandit with you."

"I'm still quite sore from the journey." He rubbed his lower back.

Haven snickered, and he glowered at her.

"What?" he asked.

"I wasn't going to say anything." Haven walked through the opening, kicking trinkets hidden in the tall grass as she went. Most of it looked like pieces belonging to larger structures. She picked up one of them and held it up to examine. It was a small wooden star attached to a golden string. She turned it over and saw Ivy's name carved into it.

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