Chapter Seven

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Elouise walked over to where Udolf still sat on the snow and extended her hand to him. He smiled softly up at her as he accepted her assistance.

"Are you alright?" she asked him once he was standing in front of her.

"I am," he answered, holding onto her hand.

She pulled it out of his grip and glanced over at Haven a second time.

Haven rose to her feet and gestured to the two of them. "Well, aren't you two a lovely pair?" she mocked, sheathing her dagger, and folding her arms across her chest. Her dark blue eyes were intently staring at Elouise—judging her like a parent would their child.

Elouise pursed her lips. "I never expected you to return, Haven."

Haven lifted her brows a bit. "Are you disappointed?" She pointed at Udolf, a smirk briefly brightening her face. "Your sweetheart begged me to come here."

Elouise blinked and turned to Udolf. "He is not my sweetheart," she said, yet she beamed at him. "Oh. I understand. Haven knows far more about Inferum cantivat. Therefore, you contacted her for answers. Oh! You're brilliant!" She clasped her hands together and held back a squeal.

Udolf grinned at her.

"Yes, he had the brilliant idea that I would willingly do whatever he says," Haven shot back, and his elation faltered.

"I wouldn't force you into helping," Elouise promised, moving toward her. "If you did, however, I would be in your debt—"

"Whoa," Udolf breathed, gently pulling her back by her arm. She searched his eyes as he shook his head. Then, quietly, he added, "You do not want to owe Haven anything."

"I can still hear you," Haven told him.

He glared at her. "She is not going to owe you anything. You will do this, because you owe her."

"What?" She squinted at them, and her hand inched closer to her weapon.

"Are you forgetting she saved your life?"

"Yes, from you!" Haven gaped at Elouise. "Are you forgetting he was going to have me hanged?"

Elouise winced at the mere memory. How could she forget? That little spy, Arnold, had been executed just moments prior—an act that didn't even cause Udolf to flinch. She fiddled with the gold button on her white fur shawl, diverting her attention to their footprints on the sparkling snow.

"I, I will admit that both of you have made grave mistakes that do and do not deserve forgiveness, but"—Elouise swallowed hard and determinedly faced Haven, balling her hands. "I still believe you have a good heart."

Haven burst into laughter and turned away. Elouise spared a questionable look at Udolf who seemed equally bewildered.

"You're so gullible," Haven then quipped, flashing her a condensing smile.

Elouise groaned. "I'm speaking the truth."

"Oh, yeah? You suddenly know more about me than I do?" Haven puckered her lips and shrugged. "Sure. Makes sense."

"I know I'm right, because anyone who risks everything to save one person has to be good, especially if that person is Henry."

Haven's body went rigid. Any hint of her cruel amusement vanished in an instant. If Elouise hadn't known any better, she would say Haven was nervous.

"Henry has also spoken kindly of you before," she continued. "He wouldn't do that if he didn't believe the good in you."

"What has he said?" Haven eagerly questioned. Then she immediately waved her off and scoffed. "He's such an idiot," she grumbled.

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