Chapter Fifty-Two

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Udolf stormed into his guest chamber and raked his fingers through his tangled curls.

"I cannot believe her," he growled. Then he turned to close the door, but Eldon rushed in. Udolf pointed to the corridor. "You have your own room—"

"I saw Ashton Ward," Eldon stated.

Udolf dropped his arm, gaping at him. "What does that mean?"

"It means..." Eldon sighed. "I dunno. But he saw me starin', so I pretended with that stupid paintin'!"

"Ah, that makes more sense now." Udolf kicked the door shut behind Eldon. "Listen carefully—you can't let anything like that happen again. If you see him, no you don't."

"Don't think we gotta worry, anyway. I think he believed I wasn't really starin' at him."

"For your sake, I hope so."

Eldon rubbed his neck and shrugged. "So, what're you gonna 'bout Elouise?"

"She is the last person I want to speak about right now." Udolf groaned and shook his head as he made his way to the other side. He hovered near the window, glancing out into the courtyard. He saw a handful of people wandering through, but he didn't recognize any of them. "I've no idea yet what to do with her. If I admit something to you, you must swear never to repeat it."


Udolf felt his chest tighten when Henry and Elouise came into view. Henry appeared to be talking while she merely gazed around, nodding every now and so. He placed his palm against the glass and squinted down at her.

"I believed she was going to be happy to see Maximus," he said. "I hardly expected this."

Elouise stopped in front of a small table and plopped into a chair. Henry sat across from her, grinning despite her obvious scowl.

Udolf rolled his eyes. "This will be fun indeed."

"I ain't defendin' her, but Maximus did exactly what you did to her. That's gonna make her hate every usurper out there—no matter why they did it."

"There must be a way to break her, Eldon. She used to be easy to coerce into trusting. Despite what you said, she still has no reason to despise Maximus personally." Udolf arched an eyebrow as he watched Elouise's lips finally move. He couldn't guess a single word she uttered, though.

"I'll think of something," Udolf said. "I have to."


In the morning, Victor called for King Maximus to discuss a few matters. Nothing urgent, the servant made sure to say.

Udolf met with Victor in the courtyard and sat at the same table Elouise and Henry had occupied. They were nowhere to be seen now. In fact, nobody seemed to be out here except for the occasional guard patrolling the area.

"How long do you intend to stay?" Victor asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"As long as you will have me," Udolf answered, smiling.

"Well, my wife's birthday is approaching. She has been... struggling lately. I am hoping to brighten her mood by celebrating her with a grand ball. We've not had one here for quite some time."

"I would be delighted to attend."

Victor's eyes darkened as he grinned. "I am hoping you can assist me with something else as well."

"What might that be?"

Victor glanced to his left and then right. Udolf did the same, noting how alone they were now. Even the guards seemed to have disappeared.

"As you know, Elouise is here because of the current situation in Aristol." Victor sat upright and placed his hands on the table. "I want to get rid of her," he whispered.

Udolf blinked slowly. "What are you suggesting?"

"If the rumors about you are true, you are not afraid of anything. You will take any risk to gain more power and protection for your people."

"Yes... that is true."

"I have two suggestions for you. You can either take her back with you and do as you please or..." Victor chuckled and shrugged his right shoulder. "Kill her."

Udolf widened his eyes. "Has she bothered you that much?"

"I no longer have any need for her. Without a kingdom, there is no alliance between us. I hardly believe she can regain her crown if she returns to Aristol. Therefore, she's stuck here, and I don't want her around. I've tried and tried to tolerate her, but I can't any longer."

Unfortunately, I can't kill her. Godwin would have my head if I did that without him around. He wants her back alive... for now.

Udolf nodded. "I have been looking for... a wife."

Victor's expression softened. "Oh. That was not the option I thought you would choose."

"I murdered my own brother for good reason. Elouise has..." Udolf took a sharp breath and forced another smile. "She has not... wronged me."

"Very well, then. The ball would be the perfect opportunity for you to start courting her. Dance with her, flatter her—whatever you must do. If this is successful, I will agree to the terms you set with me last night. Do we have a deal?"

Udolf nearly grimaced at the idea, yet he kept smiling anyway. "Of course."

Victor stood and nodded at him. "This was excellent. Thank you for your time, Maximus. Join me again after our meal. We can spar." He sauntered off toward the entrance into the palace, leaving Udolf sitting there with a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"Guessin' King Victor thought of that somethin' for ya," Eldon said.

Udolf furrowed his brows and looked around, but he couldn't find him anywhere. Then Eldon emerged from behind a pillar and snickered.

"Now yer gonna make her fall for you?" he asked.

"Why is that funny to you?" Udolf rose from his chair and fully faced him. "I don't need to do anything that man asks of me, because I didn't come here to make true negotiations between this kingdom and Arendice. However, this could work in our favor. That is why I don't want to hear you laughing about it."

"So, what're you doin'?"

"Maximus needs to keep proving to her that he cares. Eventually, she will see he is being genuine, and she will not be able to resist him."

Eldon titled his head. "What if she just doesn't fall for Maximus, though? I think she's got other things on her mind. Might be easier to kill her."

"Are you forgetting about Godwin?"


"Then we must play it this way. It will be fine. Everyone has a weakness, and that is how I will break her. I will find hers."

Eldon sighed and looked away as a blue butterfly fluttered past them. It went about, attempting to find the perfect flower to land on. Eldon stepped closer to it, the corners of his lips rising as he watched.

Udolf looked at Eldon up and down, and he smirked.

Actually, I already found it.

"There may be a third option, after all," he said, rubbing his chin.

"What's that?" Eldon asked as he held out his forefinger. The butterfly settled onto it and folded in its wings.

If Elouise truly couldn't fall for Maximus, perhaps that meant her heart still very much belonged to Eldon. Godwin wanted Eldon alive more than anyone else, but could Udolf be blamed if something were to simply happen?

"It may not need to occur," Udolf assured. "She may surprise us and be charmed by Maximus. So, I will spare you the details for now."

The butterfly left, and Eldon turned back to Udolf.

"Have fun with that," he said. "This is where that fun you kept talkin' 'bout comes in, right?"

Udolf laughed. "Oh, I will, because yes it does."

A Usurper's Cause (Book #4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang