Chapter Forty-Four

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Mornings were the worst time of day.

Everything was too bright. People were loud and running everywhere as if the world would end if they weren't fast enough.

It all made Henry's head throb.

"What happened to 'bright and early,' Henry?"

Henry whined and buried his face deeper into his pillow.

"I don't need to be able to smell to know that it reeks of alcohol in here."

Henry raised his head and turned slowly, glowering at Ashton. "Were you always this way?" Before he could give Ashton a chance to respond, he shrugged. "I only needed a few drinks to help me sleep. I am completely fine to get up and begin."

Ashton stepped out of the way and gestured to the wardrobe. "We are already behind. Everyone is awake and going about their day. You should hope your brother or Elouise do not notice you leaving."

"I could only wish I had the ability to stay out of sight as you do."

"You should have asked Godwin to bless you, then."

Henry frowned and sat up slowly. Unfortunately, the throbbing worsened, and his stomach turned. He brought his hand up to his mouth as sweat formed on his forehead.

"Are you alright?" Ashton asked.

Henry swallowed and dropped his hand. "I... need..." Then he leaped out of bed and clutched the vase beside the wardrobe, and he heaved into it.


With an empty stomach, it was merely retching sounds and coughing. Yet it still lingered, leaving Henry unable to move until his body finally quit trying. Even then, he stayed on his knees for another moment—just in case.

"A few drinks do not do that to you," said Ashton.

Henry groaned and pulled away from the vase. "I think you should leave. You can meet me in the foyer once I'm ready."

Although Ashton shook his head like a disappointed parent, he left without saying anything else. Henry wiped his mouth with his sleeve and sighed. Yet he couldn't say he regretted his decisions.


He wished he could've thought of a good reason to stay. With the excruciating pain radiating throughout his skull, Henry couldn't focus long enough to try.

Thus, he made his way to the foyer and was stunned to find Ashton already waiting for him there. Ashton turned around, smiling as if nothing had happened. As if this was their first time seeing each other this morning. After considering it, Henry figured that was Ashton's intention—a redo of their greeting.

"Good morning," Henry said, ruffling his hair with his fingers.

"You seem better," Ashton responded. "Is it safe to assume we will be going after all?"

Henry sharply inhaled. Oh, he could lie and say he was not feeling well. The opportunity was in his hands, but he closed it.

"We have no other choice," he said. "If my aunt is running free out there, she will return. We need to get inside her head to understand what she's doing."

Ashton nodded. "I couldn't agree more. You packed food, right? I know it is quite the ride to get there."

Henry pursed his lips and nodded. He'd forgotten about food...

Ashton pointed to the doors with his thumb. "After you, then."

Henry's last hope would've been Elouise walking up and questioning him, forcing him not to leave. Even she was nowhere to be seen, though.

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