Chapter Sixty-Three

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The arrow struck the middle of the man's back, and he fell onto his face. Henry reached for another arrow when he heard shrieks coming from another room. Henry rushed to the pantry where he found a row of servants up against the wall. Inferum cantivat members pointed their weapons at them, and only one of them turned their head.

"Let them go," Henry warned as he grabbed another arrow. "Now." He aimed at their head. And they didn't even flinch. He sharply inhaled and released, and then he tried to ignore the horrified gasps when the arrow struck, killing them instantly.

Finally, the others lowered their weapons and faced Henry. Henry ran and heard them chasing after him. He reached back, snatching another arrow from his quiver, and then halted beside the stairs. He quickly aimed, hitting the one in the lead right in their chest. The remaining two leaped back as their comrade fell backwards while Henry prepared himself.

He whistled, earning their attention, and he watched as his arrow lodged between the eyes of the woman on the right.

"I don't suppose you would like to be next?" Henry asked.

Rather than speak, the final member reached into their pocket and tossed a smoke bomb onto the ground. Henry turned away as dust exploded into the air. He stumbled away, coughing as he inhaled some of it.

Then Henry picked up his pace, heading straight for the infirmary. When he entered, he abruptly halted when he found Jasmine on the bed rather than Maximus. Haven spun toward him, and he pointed at Jasmine.

"What happened with Maximus?"

"Left with Elouise," Haven responded.

Henry blinked. "Were you right?"


"And you let her leave with him?"

"She can take care of herself."

"I know she can, but she didn't believe you."

Much to his surprise, Haven smirked. "She's clever... it'll come to her."

"Henry," Jasmine whimpered, and she hissed through her teeth.

Henry rushed to her side and set his bow down. "What happened? Did they hurt you?"

"No. I managed to get away from them. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about my handmaidens." Jasmine sat up. "I need to speak to you. Urgently." She side-eyed Haven.

Haven pursed her lips as she started walking toward the door. "I'm going back out there to make sure none of them are getting away."

"Thank you, Haven," Henry said.

She paused briefly in the doorway. "Right." Then she fled from his sight. 

Jasmine reached her hand up. Henry grabbed it, and his chest tightened when he noticed a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I believe... I believe I am losing my baby," she whispered.

Henry tensed. "You... I, I had no idea you were..."

"I must be. Henry, I have been desperately praying for this miracle and—" She closed her eyes tightly, shaking her head. "Henry, I don't want to lose my baby!"

"Jasmine—" Henry widened his eyes. She sniffled and looked at him, but he moved away, dropping her hand.

"Henry?" she tried, soft and distant.

"I need a moment," he said, already walking out. Halfway down the corridor, he checked his surroundings and called for Ashton.

"Henry," Ashton addressed, appearing in front of him.

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