Chapter Nineteen

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Elouise remembered the library being her place of tranquility; where she could pick up any book and fill her mind with knowledge of the world. It didn't matter how many times she'd read a story; she always found something new within them. She used to spend hours in her velvet burgundy chair, refusing to leave even when Fayre came to fetch her for supper.

And now the library haunted her.

She would keep her head low anytime she walked past, the image of Marigold sprawled across the table embedded into her brain. Therefore, she wasn't certain what led her to approach the doors this particular morning.

"Are you certain you want to do that?" Ashton asked.

Elouise flinched and whirled toward him. She checked around before addressing him. "I cannot avoid it forever."

"That is fair. However, Elouise, you do not need to face it yet if you're not ready."

"It used to be my happy place."

Ashton's lips twitched. "Beatrice hated it."

"She did?"

"Well, perhaps that's too strong of a word, but she wasn't fond of education. She despised doing anything she was forced to do. You can only imagine how she felt about being the heir to the throne."

Elouise nodded and looked at the white wooden doors again. Perhaps she wasn't ready for this. Perhaps she never would be. Before she could decide, though, a sudden rise of voices coming from her right caught her interest. She heard scurried footsteps and doors opening and closing as if these people were entering the castle. She listened closely and heard a mix of excitement, confusion, and even some fear.

Ashton went over to the railing to investigate and froze upon whatever he saw.

"What is it?" Elouise asked, taking a few steps toward him.

"Wait," Ashton urged, raising his hand. "I would advise you not to go down there."

Elouise furrowed her eyebrows and increased her pace.

"Elouise, please listen to me. I don't want you to get upset."

Elouise reached his side and peered over. A group of guards and nobles were gathered around a man dressed in casual clothing. She couldn't make out his face from this height, so she lifted her skirt and hurried down the steps despite Ashton's continuous protests. Lord Berney was the first to notice her, followed by Lord Browne, then everyone else. Lord Berney's expression was blank, which was odd for him. She paid little mind to the others as her focused fell on the mysterious visitor staring at her.

"Oh, goodness," Browne muttered under his breath.

"Now, now," the man spoke up, moving past the guards and holding up his hands. "I don't understand everyone's reactions. Is it so unbelievable that I'm here?" He glanced back at them, and nobody responded. He let out a dramatic sigh and faced Elouise again. "I had to come. Did you really expect me to miss my niece's coronation?"

And, suddenly, Ashton's persistence made sense.

Elouise's body went rigid. She became painfully aware that everyone had their bulging eyes on her. Still, she managed to utter the name that was almost prohibited in her home. "Edward?"

This couldn't be possible.

Could it?

After all these years, how was it possible that he was simply here—right in front of her. She forced herself to glance around at the older guards and servants—at Lord Berney and Lord Browne. None of them made any indication that she was indeed right or wrong. However, despite Elouise having never seen him before—not even in portraits for those had been disposed of—there was no denying the similarities. His big blue eyes, dark hair... he even had the tiny beauty marks dotted around his neck and forehead like her mother had.

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