Chapter Twenty

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"Just relax and concentrate. You can do this."

Elouise slowly sucked in her breath and held it, her grip on the bow's string wavering. The breeze was picking up, causing a lock of her hair to brush and tickle her cheek and lips. She tried blowing it away, but it kept coming back anyway. She wrinkled her nose and narrowed her eyes as she stared hard at her target—the center of the tree that'd already endured many of her failed attempts.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Elouise let go and watched in awe as the arrow—for the very first time—hit the mark. She dropped the bow onto the grass and clasped her hands together, bringing them up to her chin and squealing. Then she whirled around, coming face-to-face with a beaming Eldon.

"I did it!" she cheered.

"I'm so proud of you," he said.

Elouise squealed again and leaped into his arms. He lifted her off the ground and spun her a few times. When he stopped, she pulled back slightly and pressed her forehead against his. He held her like that for a moment, neither of them saying anything. She didn't mind it—the silence between them—as long as he kept staring at her with those dark, dark brown eyes.

Eldon eventually let her down, keeping his grip on her waist. She lowered her arms from his neck and settled her hands on his forearms instead, her smile rapidly faltering.

"What's wrong?" he asked, tenderly touching her cheek. "Ellie..."

The hidden ache in her chest came bursting forward, tightening her throat. She swallowed hard and squeezed him lightly. "I... I miss you."

Eldon raised his eyebrows and nodded. "I miss you too, Ellie."

"Can you stop this already and just come back to me?"

"I want that more than anythin'."

"Then where are you?" Elouise squeezed his forearms harder. "Please. I can't do this anymore without you."

"Yes, you can. 'Course you can! You can do anythin'. Yer... yer Ellie, my savior."

Elouise's lower lip quivered. Eldon leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. She wrapped her arms around his middle and rested the side of her face against his chest. His steady heartbeat started soothing her woes. Her eyes fluttered shut as she listened carefully.

Right here—in the middle of the field where she first met Eldon, where it all began—was where she belonged. Right here with him.

And she never wanted to leave.

So, when she heard her name being called, distantly, she held on tighter.

Not yet.

The person persisted, though. She could hear an urgency in their tone. That should've been more than enough to persuade her into waking up, but she—as selfish as it probably was—did not care.

Please... not yet.

"Elouise," Ashton's voice broke through anyway.

Elouise gasped and jolted upright in her bed. She clutched her chest and glanced to her right where the sound was coming from—just beyond her door. Ashton wouldn't dare coming inside without her permission. She inhaled sharply, regaining herself, and slipped out of bed. On her way toward her door, she grabbed her beige shawl and threw it around her shoulders. In the corridor, she found the guard standing post by her door had fallen asleep and while that would've normally alarmed her, she was actually quite grateful for it as she sought Ashton's petrified eyes.

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