Chapter Fifty-Three

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As expected, the palace grounds beyond the courtyard were mesmerizing.

Eldon couldn't even see how far out they went from where he stood. He could, however, see the sea sparkling in the background.

"Wow," he breathed. "Why does a royal family need this much land?" He glanced back at the palace and frowned. "Ain't like they're usin' all of it." King Victor spent most of his time in the courtyard. The two princes were always indoors, and it didn't look like the Queen Mother was the kind to go on long walks outside either.

He started moving forward, admiring the wildflowers growing through the tall grass. He watched bumblebees and butterflies land on separate flowers. Everything just felt much calmer out here. He imagined plenty of people would lose their minds for a chance to live inside grand palaces and castles, but he couldn't bring himself to care for any of that. He wondered if he'd ever cared.

Eldon heard someone shout from the palace. He looked over his shoulder as he continued to walk. Three guards were walking along the palace with one of them waving his arms around. Eldon sighed and faced forward. Then he lost his footing and fell.

He went tumbling down a hill and landed on his back, feeling the breath knocked out of him. He thought he heard a gasp, but he stayed like that, shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Are you alright?" someone asked.

Oh. So, he had heard a gasp.

Eldon lowered his arms and squinted at the person hovering over him. The sunlight outlined their figure, making them glow, and he groaned. They moved slightly, covering the sun for him to finally see.

"Vincent?" Elouise tried a second time.


Eldon jolted upright, forcing her to step back. She offered him her hand, but he shook his head and picked himself off the ground.

"That was quite the fall," she said. "Did you not notice the hill?"

Eldon shook his head again and began to wipe down his trousers.

"It can be easy to miss. There is so much grass."

He looked at her and noticed the tiny blue flowers tucked into her hair. She reached up, touching them.

"These forget-me-nots grow everywhere in this area," she said, gesturing behind her.

Eldon inclined his head and saw them, along with a blanket, a book, and a wooden bowl full of strawberries. His stomach growled, and he swallowed hard.

Elouise picked up the bowl and held it out to him. "Would you care for some?"

Eldon glanced down at the berries. They were a bright red, and his mouth watered. He plucked the biggest one he saw and took a bite. It tasted sweet—just how he liked them. He almost smiled.

"These are my favorite," Elouise said.

"They are?" he asked.

"Yes. If you would like more—"

"No, thank you." He furrowed his eyebrows as she set the bowl down on the blanket.

They heard footsteps crunching down on the grass and they looked up to find Udolf carefully making his way down to them.

"There you are, Vinnie," he said, grinning at Eldon. "I've been looking everywhere for you." His eyes immediately slid to Elouise, though. "What a pleasant surprise to find you here as well."

Eldon finished the strawberry and tossed the stem onto the ground. He didn't have much an appetite anymore...

"I should leave," Elouise said. She kneeled to gather her things. Udolf quickly assisted her by folding the blanket and taking the bowl. Then he handed her the book, and she murmured her thanks before standing.

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