Chapter Eighteen

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Henry loosened the strings around his neck, allowing his ruffled collar to open. He leaned in closer to the looking glass and fluffed the front of his damped hair.

"Oh, darling, you look ravishing," Haven's sarcastic tone flooded his room. Henry gasped, catching her in his reflection. She sat on his windowsill and smiled at him.

He whirled around and glowered in return. "Haven. What an unpleasant surprise." Although, he'd heard Udolf was around. "Are you here to bother me while the Lord begs Elouise for forgiveness?"

She stood, groaning. "He and I are no longer on speaking terms."

"What do you mean?"

Of course, she waved him off and began walking around, her fingers grazing every other piece of furniture she passed. Henry turned back to the mirror and ensured he didn't look entirely terrible considering he'd only woken up a moment ago and hastily decided to bathe.

"Does this mean you will be leaving us?" he asked. Not that he cared.

"Would you miss me if I did?"

"No." He eyed her over, noticing her dagger at her side as usual. "Where is Eldon's sword, by the way?"

"Unfortunately, Godwin confiscated it."

"He what? How could you let him do that?" Henry's breath hitched as he thought of something else. "Did you at least manage the spell first?"

"No, I didn't." Haven averted her eyes.

Henry exhaled slowly and shook his head, his heartbeat beginning to thud. "Just leave, Haven. You've disappointed enough."

Haven pulled away from the dressing corner, inching closer to him. "I've disappointed?" She scoffed. "And here I thought we had shared a lovely moment together the last time I left." She reached him and he tensed when he felt her hand trailing up his arm.

"You thought wrong," he managed, storming to the other side of the room.

"Really?" she challenged.

Henry refused to look at her. "Certainly. Now," he glanced at the door, "if you will excuse me." And he made a beeline for it.

"Henry, wait," she said. Or rather, begged.

He grabbed onto the doorknob and chanced a glance over at her. Her usual poise was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she seemed quite helpless—almost desperate for someone to simply listen to her. And he gave in, dropping his hand and fully turning to her.

"I'm still in this," she told him, like it was some sort of promise he'd been wanting to hear. "I'm going to see this through, just not with Udolf. So, I'll be around, and I'll try gathering as many details as I can." Then she suddenly paled, and her eyes widened like she'd just remembered something.

Henry ignored this, though, and puckered his lips as he instead considered her statement for a moment. Haven had always struck him as the kind of person who could—and would—lie her way through everything until nobody could decipher her lies from truth anymore; and contrariwise. Still, he knew—as much as he despised admitting it—they needed someone as devious as her on their side. She had history with Inferum cantivat and Godwin. She knew things no one else did. And her unlawful ways had gotten her this far.

"I appreciate it, then," Henry said simply before fleeing the room.

He located Elouise in the ballroom, doing her training with Sir Aaron. He went halfway down the wide steps then sat down, watching as she had Aaron losing his footing. The sight made him smile. Eldon would be so proud of her improvement.

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