Chapter Sixteen

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A few days earlier...

"Haven! Haven!"

Haven gasped and jolted upright, opening her eyes wide and meeting Eldon's. She gasped again, scrambling away from him on her bed.

And that's when her senses returned.

She was in her bedchamber. Oh, right! She'd sneaked away earlier from her experiments for a nap, so she snarled at Eldon for interrupting her. After days of mixing various ingredients that she'd found around, nothing produced that same peculiar color as the potion Godwin had made. She was beginning to suspect he had used fewer common things—things that required heavier research and exploration. And she needed her damn rest if she was going to figure it out.

Haven pointed at Eldon. "You little brat—"

"Come with me," he blurted, snatching her wrist.

Haven glanced questioningly to his hold. "What are you—" Then he yanked her, giving her no choice but to match his speed or risk falling on her face.

Once out of the room and halfway down the corridor, he let go of her and kept running. Haven considered turning back around, but she'd agreed to play her damn role; and she'd made Eldon believe they'd been friends before. She supposed a good friend would go through with this and see what all the fuss was about.


This was why she refused to have friends.

Eldon led her out into the backyard and to the Abelia bush from before. He pointed, and she squeezed in closer to see the blue butterfly making its way out of its cocoon. It clung onto the shell, its wings remaining closed for a moment until it began slowly spreading them out. Tiny white dots lined the black edges of its wings.

Then the butterfly took off, fluttering higher and higher above them. Haven watched it for as long as she could before the brightness of the sky blinded her, forcing her to look away and blink hard.

Eldon still stared at it, using his right hand to shield his squinted eyes.

Haven couldn't resist a chuckle. "I knew you'd enjoy that."

But while she expected Eldon to look at her with that obnoxious grin of his, he dropped his gaze to the ground. His brows knitted with bewilderment, and she asked him what was wrong.

"I dunno," he admitted, shrugging his left shoulder. "It's just somethin' real familiar about that."

"About what?" Haven glanced upwards, catching a glimpse of the butterfly disappearing over the manor. "That?" She pointed.

Eldon blinked at her. "Did I like them before? Did I collect 'em or somethin'? It's like"—he scratched his head. "It's like it's there, but I can't remember. Dammit."

Haven rolled her eyes, prepared to brush the entire thing off and return to her room. Then her thoughts went to the butterfly brooch she'd noticed Elouise wearing all the time. And her body went rigid.

"You did collect them," she said suddenly. "And you should start collecting them again. I'll ask one of the servants to fetch you a net. Who knows, maybe you'll catch a special one and regain your memories."

Eldon cocked his head, that goofy smile forming across his face. "Yer weird, sometimes. But sure. I'll do that."

She heard the purposeful clearing of someone's throat and glanced over her shoulder. Udolf walked toward them, dressed in raggedy brown breeches and a dark blue tunic. And she smirked at him.

"Training time, I presume?"

Udolf huffed and pointed at her with the hilt of his scimitar. "You are enjoying this far too much." He then nodded to Eldon, and the two of them headed to their usual spot on the other side of the lawn.

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