Chapter Twenty-Two

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Henry had never witnessed Fayre like this before—pacing back and forth and muttering to herself in the throne room. He stood beside Ivy near the wide steps, watching Fayre with equal astonishment.

"One of us should say something," Ivy whispered, leaning into him.

"No," Henry whispered back, shaking his head. "We should not disturb her."

"But she's making me anxious. Goodness, Fayre!" Ivy marched over and stepped in her way and Fayre abruptly ceased in her tracks. Then Ivy grabbed her by the shoulders. "Let's think calming thoughts. Do what I do." She inhaled deeply.

Fayre, however, sighed and walked past Ivy, coming to stand beside Henry. "Where is she?" She touched her forehead with the back of her hand. "I should have tried harder to stop her."

Henry frowned. "I am certain everything will—" Then the doors flew open, frightening everyone; especially the guards posted nearby.

Henry and Fayre whipped their heads forward and gasped when they saw Elouise walking through in a gown nearly torn apart and barely concealing her thighs. She brushed dark brown locks away from her face and Henry widened his eyes as he realized she'd... cut it. She'd cut it and left it uneven at shoulder-length.

"Your hair," Ivy uttered to her.

"Ivy," Henry scolded.

Ivy slapped her hands against her mouth.

"It was bothering me," Elouise coolly answered.

"You loved your hair," Fayre whispered. However, she shook her head and raised her voice, "Are you truly going to flaunt your powers like that all the time now? You could have hurt someone, Elouise."

"Oh, how horrid. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone." Elouise giggled and threw up her hands. "Although everyone else has no problem hurting me."

Henry blinked and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Elouise beamed at him. "Oh. I owe you an apology, Henry! It seems you were absolutely right about Udolf all along!"

Ivy lowered her hands, glancing back and forth between her and Henry. Fayre also appeared at a loss by this, yet her features remained firm. Henry wiped his clammy palms down on his trousers, his mind drawing a blank.

What was he supposed to say that? He couldn't even fathom what she meant, and he was almost too afraid to ask. Fortunately—he supposed—Ivy grew tired of the plaguing silence and questioned Elouise.

Elouise flashed her a forced smile, vile intent in her otherwise sweet brown eyes. "Eldon has been with him this entire time."

Henry's blood went cold.

"I should have known, shouldn't I?" Elouise asked him. "I am certain the thought had crossed your mind many times!"

He averted his eyes to the long burgundy rug and concentrated on the slow throbbing inside his chest. He'd considered the probability before. Sometimes, it felt like the most obvious answer. But knowing he was right, knowing how close Eldon had been, was not a satisfying victory.

"So, where is he?" Ivy eagerly asked, again voicing what he couldn't. "You went there, didn't you? To the Outlands? You saw Eldon for yourself—"

"Ivy," Fayre pleaded.

Henry lifted his head and stared at Elouise. Elouise didn't bother explaining herself. Instead, she turned away from them and gestured to their surroundings.

"Now, will someone get the crown so I can leave?"

Ivy frowned. "But what about the—" Fayre obnoxiously cleared her throat, making Ivy flinch.

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