Chapter Thirty-Two

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Eldon attached another arrow to his bow and aimed for his target. He squinted as he focused on the center where a few other arrows had already struck. Then he released and watched it join the others.

"Impressive," Lady Fayre said.

Eldon whirled around and furrowed his eyebrows when he spotted her standing nearby. "Thanks," he murmured. He quickly turned away from her and rolled his shoulders.

"Henry would be proud," she added. "He is one of the best archers I've ever known, and I have been around for quite some time now." She chuckled.

"Why do I care about this?" Eldon asked as he reached for another arrow.

"I know you don't. I suppose I sometimes miss him and my sweet Elouise."

Eldon shot the next arrow and missed the center entirely. "Shit."

"Good afternoon, Lady Fayre," said Ivy.

Eldon resisted a groan. The last thing he wanted right now was a spell lesson. He picked up the quiver and tried to flee out of there before Ivy could notice him. But that never worked with her.

"Eldon!" she sang.

He stopped and didn't look at her. She ran over to him instead and stood in front of him, giving him no choice but to look into her unnerving purple eyes.

"Where are you off to?" she asked. "Prince Edward needs to speak with you. He is in the king's study with His Majesty."

"Right now?"

"Right now." Ivy smirked like she wanted to desperately laugh.

"What's this 'bout?" he demanded because that look on her face never meant anything good.

Ivy feigned a gasp. "Why would I know?" She turned fast and waved goodbye to Fayre before skipping down the path.

Fayre glowered at her and then stared curiously at Eldon. "When will you all quit referring to him as Edward? He is not Edward, and I hope you should be ashamed for tainting his reputation and memory." With that, she stormed off in the opposite direction.

Eldon shook his head and made his way inside the castle. When he reached the study, he raised his fist to knock and flinched when the door swung open. Udolf stood on the other side, looking cheerful, which made Eldon even more uneasy about this whole thing. Without saying a word, he stepped aside and gestured for Eldon to enter.

Eldon walked inside and stared at Godwin just sitting at the desk. Godwin looked up from something he'd been reading and cleared his throat.

"Sit down, Eldon," he said, pointing to the chair in front of him. Eldon obliged, and Godwin curled his lip. "Sit upright."

Eldon readjusted himself. "Sorry."

Udolf walked over and stood next to Godwin with his arms crossed. His eyes were sparkling, too.

"Did I do somethin'?" Eldon asked.

"It appears you did, Eldon." Godwin sighed sadly. "I certainly hope it is all a misunderstanding. I've been informed you exposed your magic to Sir Booker in order to save his life."

Oh... dammit. He should've known this would be about that.

"Is this true, Eldon?" Godwin asked, his frown deepening.

Eldon blinked and nodded once.

"How careless of you," Udolf scolded. "It is the most important rule set for you, and you broke it. You risked so much for the uncoordinated fool who shouldn't even be a soldier—" He paused when Godwin raised his hand.

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