Chapter Fifty-Five

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With the Queen's birthday being just around the corner, Eldon felt a shift in everyone's mood. He didn't know how to explain it. Nobody was excited, that was for sure. He almost felt bad for Jasmine who didn't know a single thing about what was going on. All this irritation and stress over a celebration for her.

Eldon made sure to stay as far away from it all. He bit down on his tongue to prevent himself from laughing whenever Udolf came to him to complain. King Victor had enlisted Udolf to assist him with the final details of everything. Udolf had played his role a little too well and made Maximus sound like a careful planner. So, Udolf spent most of his time by Victor's side, leaving Eldon to wander on his own.

During the evening, he enjoyed walking the entirety of the palace grounds. Once he made it back to the building, it was pitch dark. Eldon had overheard soldiers warning each other about being out so late. For the past year, they'd been experiencing a few unexplainable events that made their skin crawl. But Eldon never saw anything terrifying like they mentioned. In fact, being out at night brought him peace, enough to lull him easily to sleep once he got into bed.

After supper, as usual, he made his way outside while Udolf was dragged off by Victor again.

The sun was beginning to set, casting an orange hue over the land. Eldon reached the hill and stiffened when he noticed Elouise sitting at the bottom. That explained the empty chair in the great hall. He hadn't looked hard enough then to realize she'd been the one absent.

Eldon sighed and made his way down. He planned to hold his head high and pretend he didn't see her. But she saw him, and for some reason, she called out to him.

"So many more flowers appeared," she said.

Eldon pursed his lips and turned to her. Then he widened his eyes. She was right. The little blue flowers had spread everywhere. He glanced at her as she tied a small bunch of the flowers together.

"Have you ever made a flower crown?" she asked.

"No," he said. "I... can't say I have."

Elouise finished the final knot and held it up. "I used to make these all the time back in Aristol. It would be my favorite gift to make for the Day of the Boats exchange." Then she put it on her head, and Eldon felt his heart jump.

"What are you planning to do with them?" Elouise questioned.

Eldon shrugged. "Dunno." He then pointed his thumb at Henry sitting to their far right and added, "Wish I could do what he's doin'."

Henry looked deeply invested in creating a flower crown, his tongue stuck out in concentration.

Eldon's chest tightened, and he frowned. The Day of the Boats...

"It looks quite childish, doesn't it?" Elouise removed the crown and sighed as she stared at it. "After the days I've had and all the disappointments, I thought coming out here and making one of these would bring back something. I wanted to feel—" She paused and shook her head. "I am sorry. I should go."

Elouise quickly rose to her feet, dropping the crown. Eldon leaned down and picked it up for her. Her expression turned blank as she thanked him. But when she took it from him, her fingertips brushed against his, and he felt a shock rush up his arm.

She gasped, pulling away with the crown. Her eyebrows twitched together, and he did his best not to make a face.

"I really should go," she said, taking a step back. Then she turned and stopped. "You... didn't feel anything, did you?"

Eldon swallowed hard. "No."

Elouise exhaled in relief and nodded. "Neither did I." She hurried up the hill.

He watched her until she left his sight, and he took a deep breath as he closed his hand. He still felt his skin tingling from where she'd touched him. He wanted to be angry about this—disgusted and horrified. Instead, he kept thinking about how warm her fingers had been.

"Eldon," he heard.

Eldon turned around and froze as he came face-to-face with Ashton. The corners of Ashton's lips rose. Dammit!

"I knew it," Ashton said, grinning.

Eldon moved away from him slowly. Ashton followed, his eyes darkening.

"I want to be happy to see you," he added. "But if this is you in disguise, then King Maximus..." He squinted. "Who is he, truly?"

"Like I'd tell you," Eldon snapped, gritting his teeth.

"He's not the real Maximus and he isn't Godwin; I would have sensed him." Then Ashton raised his brows. "Oh. Udolf... of course."

Eldon narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know what the two of you intend to do here, but if you do anything to her—"

"What're you gonna do?" Eldon asked. "You can't touch me."

Ashton's expression softened, and then he smiled. "I wouldn't sound so confident about that."

"What's that s'pposed to mean?" But Eldon felt his blood go cold as he thought back to the stories the soldiers whispered about. Unexplainable events that made their skins crawl that'd begun a year ago.

"I ain't afraid of you," Eldon said.

"I am not trying to frighten you, Eldon. Despite being on opposite sides, I care about you. You are still my family, and I will protect you." Ashton dropped his shoulders. "That is why I am not going to inform Elouise about this."


"I'm going to hold onto hope that you will not hurt her. I saw the way you were looking at her just now—what the two of you felt when your hands briefly touched. I know—somewhere in there—the Eldon I knew is hiding. And I need to believe that. I need to believe you wouldn't dare do anything to her."

Eldon averted his eyes. "I wouldn't sound so confident 'bout that." He looked up again and saw Ashton still smiling at him.

"I've always believed in you," Ashton whispered. Then Eldon blinked, and Ashton was gone.

Eldon glanced around. How did he let this happen? How could he have been so stupid?

Maybe it was inevitable, though. Ashton had mentioned sensing Godwin because they were both angels. Eldon was Ashton's descendant, so Ashton could probably sense him, too. No doubt that was what'd started his suspicion. Maybe it hadn't just been the accidental eye contact.

That didn't make Eldon feel any better. He had to tell Udolf.

Eldon started walking up the hill and halted halfway.

Sure, tell Udolf so he could stand there and just listen to Udolf rant about how useless Eldon was. How Udolf had warned Eldon over and over about avoiding this happening. No, this would stay with Eldon. It had to. Udolf needed to continue earning Elouise's trust without any worries.

But maybe this wasn't about just earning Elouise's anymore, then. And maybe it couldn't only be Udolf earning her trust now...

"Dammit," Eldon hissed, rubbing his neck. 

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