Chapter Thirty-Four

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When they'd first taken over the castle, Godwin's request to keep Beatrice and Elouise's portraits irritated Udolf. Even if it were to mock them, it sickened Udolf to have to see those faces staring at him every day. Especially Elouise's.

Unlike Beatrice, Elouise didn't smile in their portrait. Her features were softer, allowing her innocence to shine through. How pathetic she used to be. Still was, in fact. He doubted she'd gotten any stronger during her time away. She would've returned by now or would've sent some sort of threat to remind them she wasn't done.

After a whole year, she'd been silent instead. Udolf had no idea where she could've run off to. For all he knew, she remained in Aristol. As long as she didn't dare show her real face here, he didn't care where she was.

Udolf curled his lip as he stared up at her portrait now. He heard someone approaching, but he kept still until they addressed him.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

"I, I apologize, Your Majesty," Gidget sputtered.

Udolf turned to her and huffed. "Get on with it already."

"Your meal has been served!" she blurted so quickly, he almost misunderstood. Then she curtsied and hurried off.

"Strange girl." He spared one more glare up at Elouise before making his way to the great hall.

Godwin sat in his usual chair and was indulged in a conversation with a few noblemen. Udolf noticed one of them was Lord Montgomery. Despite Fayre's feelings, Lord Montgomery had remained quite helpful. Udolf wondered if his declining health had anything to do with it—too exhausted to fight against anything.

Udolf took his seat and wrinkled his nose when he glanced down at his plate. He despised everything the cooks made. He'd tried asking them to make some of his favorite meals, but they always looked at them as if he had two heads. Therefore, he was left eating whatever they did know how to make.

He stabbed into the roasted quail and sighed before stuffing a piece into his mouth. The flavors were off, no hint of any spice. He washed it down with wine and repeated the process.

"Good evening, Your Majesty," Lord Montgomery greeted.

Udolf swallowed and looked at him. "Good evening." He tried the vegetables next and forced them down his throat. No bite or crunch to them at all. He chugged his wine and asked for more. A servant ran over to refill his chalice. That's when Udolf noticed Lord Montgomery still staring at him.

Udolf glowered in return. "Is there something you need, Lord Montgomery?"

He raised his brows and shook his head. "Of course not, Your Majesty." Then he resumed eating as well, nodding every now and then to whatever Godwin said.

Udolf finished most of his meal and pushed his plate forward.

"Are you finished, Your Majesty?" Everild asked as she stepped toward him.


She curtsied and took his plate and chalice. Before she left, she asked if he needed anything else. He glanced at her and arched an eyebrow when he saw her smiling.

"What are you happy about?" he asked.

Everild widened her eyes. "It has been a beautiful day, Majesty. The weather brings a smile to my face."

"Hmm." Udolf faced forward and shrugged. "Leave then." Once she was out of sight, he leaned close to Godwin and cleared his throat.

Godwin paused from his speech and turned his head. "Do you require something from me?"

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