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In 1981, the country was thriving and the economy was growing like a rocket.

Not far from Ji Mingzhu's house, a vegetable market was set up.

Ji Mingzhu was thinking about starting a small business, and when she heard that she was going to set up a vegetable market, she immediately went to rent three shops for five years.

If she could, Ji Mingzhu actually wanted to buy the store, but the management said that these stores were all from the state and could not be sold, so they could only be rented.

It's okay to just rent, because she knew that the price of these shops would become more and more expensive, so Ji Mingzhu rented the maximum year for five years in one go, which is also a policy restriction, otherwise she would be willing to rent for ten or twenty years.

The vegetable market rented a shop, and Ji Mingzhu also thought about what she wanted to sell, and she mainly sold the products grown on the farm.

Her farm has long been upgraded, and now it can grow not only food, but also other things such as soybeans, mung beans, red beans, and all kinds of vegetables.

Forget about vegetables, Ji Mingzhu is mainly ready to sell grains and oils, as well as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, as well as various dishes, rice sauces, anyway, to open a grain and oil grocery store.

Ji Mingzhu's store is undoubtedly very profitable, because her food source is provided by the farm, and she doesn't need money, and the oil is also the oil that Ji Mingzhu uses the soybean and rapeseed grown on the farm to squeeze, and many commodities are also provided by the farm.

Worried that someone would find out, Ji Mingzhu didn't use all the things from the farm, she would still buy the goods, but the goods she bought were only one-third of what she sold.

The flow of people in the vegetable market is very large, just opening a grain and oil store, Ji Mingzhu can make a net profit of one or two thousand a month in addition to the wages of the rent and the cost of purchasing goods, and it can almost double in the peak season.

tasted the sweetness, Ji Mingzhu's iron rice bowl for teaching she didn't do, after all, her salary as a teacher for a year was not as much as the money she earned in a month by opening a grain and oil store.

And it's not easy to be a teacher, Ji Mingzhu usually has to prepare for classes, educate students, and correct test papers, she is the head teacher, and occasionally students have to look for her when something happens, there are basically no big things, but there are a lot of trivial things.

It's not easy to open a store, but it's much better than the teacher, at least she earns more than the teacher.

When the capital came back, Ji Mingzhu opened another shop in another vegetable market, and after making money, she bought a piece of land in the place she remembered.

Kyoto will be expanded sooner or later, and where Ji Mingzhu bought the land, she clearly remembers that a large shopping mall will be built not far from it in a few years, and there are schools, commercial streets, and companies around.

Ji Mingzhu is not greedy, she bought almost four acres of land in this place, and then she gave up, Kyoto is a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, she is a person with no power and no power, what if she occupies too much, blocks other people's financial paths, and is blackmailed?

Ji Mingzhu has this temper, she also knows that she can rely on her future memories to become a little rich, but she can't mix with the group of people at the top, because she is too timid, and she is not smart, and she is destined to fight against that group of ruthless people.

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