New World-1

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When I tell you I can't do shit, I mean it.


Actually yes that would make sense.

I'm tryna lift some shitty weight with my best friend covering my booty from horny males. That's why I love her.

Kidding. She is just drooling at someone behind me. Wtf did I do to deserve her.

"Yk it would be so great to have a best friend that could help me lift this." It won't work but I'll try.

"Ikr, I wish I had someone like that." She said while still drooling over some dude.

Kys bb. That's why you're single.

"As I could care less about my strength I will go home now, you bitch. Kiss your brother from me." He is hot, what do you want me to do.

She hates when I say that. I always do, just to annoy her. Even though I receive a beating after that.

"Mhm" Who tf is so interesting that she doesn't even hit me-


George from another club. What mother does he have to make her name him George. Peppa Pig wanna be.

I packed my bag and walked out of the gym. Yes, without her.

My house isn't far away so why not.

As I crossed the last road to my house I looked for my key and opened the door.

"I'm home!" My mother is prolly cooking again, at least it smells like she is cooking. Maybe she sprayed some room perfume around the house that made it smell like that. That would actually be cool even though I would never leave my house again.

"Hey honey! Food is ready!" Isn't she just sweet. Even though she put me into this gymnast shit.

I took off my shoes and put down my bag near the door. As I walked into the dining room my cat came up to me and greeted me with a meow. What I would do to be a cat.

"Olaf my cutie patootie!" Don't ask why he is named like that, bro ain't even white.

"Y/n! Dinner!" Bro shut up. Let me greet my cat.

"Yeah! I'm coming!

Food is heaven, no one can tell me otherwise.

Let's change the POV aight?

3rd Person POV:

The girl quickly finished her meal and dismissed herself to her room. Opening the door and being greeted with this familiar scent is pure bliss.

She got into the shower and put on her pj's afterwards. Brushed her teeth and laid down.

"Fuck, I'm tired. Wait where is my phone?"

She forgot her phone in her bag. Now what?

1. Option: Get up and bring the bag with her phone into her room.

2. Option: Don't get up and let the phone stay where it is but die of boredom. (panic on the next day is real)

3. Option: Ask for help.

We are normal people and choose Option 2.

Poor phone, but who cares if you can sleep.

So she put the blanket over herself and passed out on the spot.

Everything was perfect if the surface she was laying on wasn't so hard. How tf is a bed as hard as wood.

She woke up after feeling the uncomfortable surface and tried to get up which resulted hitting her head on something hard.

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now