Overwritten To Overblot-28

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"Nngh?! What just-" Confusion dwelled on Riddle's face as the rose trees turned into cards.

"Huh? I'm still alive? What's with all these playing cards?"

"All the rose trees turned into playing cards?"

"Riddle, stop this right now!" It was Trey. He shielded Ace and the rest of the students with his pen and spell.

See, wife.

"Wait, is that Trey's "Paint the Roses"?! But... how?" Not even Cater could explain what just happened. The collars around the students' necks also dissapeared.

"All the magic-sealin' collars are gone!"

"What did I tell you? My magic can overwrite characteristics for a short time. So I used it to make "Riddle's magic" into "my magic"." Students stared in amazement, except Riddle. He looked frustrated at the thought of not having any power.

"You can do that? That's some kinda loophole!"

"N-no... Off with their heads! I SAID, off with their heads!" Riddle's spell wasn't working. More and more cards filled the garden as Trey only stared determined at the red-head.

"Riddle, stop. Can't you see how you look right now?" Riddle's hair was messy, his uniform was ripped and he just looked like he'd gone crazy. Students around them called Riddle all sort of things, like "monster" or "tyrant". How often has he heard those things now? How often will he have to hear those things?

"What? Was my magic overwritten by yours? Does that mean your signature spell is stronger than mine?!" Riddle wasn't taking it light-hearted, as expected.

"Of course it doesn't. Riddle, take a deep breath and listen to us."

"Are YOU going to tell that I'm wrong too? After all I've done to protect the rule of law?!" Riddle's voice suddenly held a deeper undertone, it sounded menacing and threatening. "Do you know how much I've suffered for this?! I... I refuse to believe this!"

"Cease immediately, Mr. Rosehearts! Any further attempt to use magic will leave your magestone completely tainted with blot!" Crowley, who also witnessed what happened here, tried to warn Riddle about something called "blot". The first years of course have no idea what that is supposed to be.

"But... I'm right! I'M the one who's right! There's NO! POSSIBLE! ALTERNATIVE!"

All Y/n saw was ink. Pure black. It splashed around her vision and she soon saw the pen Riddle held in his hand. The once red magestone turned black.


That shit can't be good. Ugh...

What should I do...?

"Riddle, stop!"

The aura around Riddle completely changed now and so did his looks. His once bluish-gray eyes turned a scarlet red, his skin was paler and the small crown on his head changed to a black one with sharp edges. His clothes also changed colour. Red and black with ripped sleeves and roses decorating his new looks. Ink dripped down his once beautiful skin. He looked intimidating to say the least and the laughter that emitted from him was enough to frighten the students.

"You are fools to defy me! You are not welcome in my world. I am order made manifest! The only response I'll accept from you is "Yes, Houswarden Riddle". All who defy me will lose their heads!" A weird ink-like thing rose behind the houswarden. It was bigger and wore a black and red dress. It held a  rose bush as its weapon instead of a sword. On top of its head sat a large crown.

The headmage shook his head in dissapointment. "Dear me, what have I done? I've allowed a student to overblot in my presence!" There was this word again - "overblot".

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now