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Ace, Deuce and Y/n were running after the raccoon. The boys were using their magic to catch him. Im the end, they found him the cafeteria.

"Argh! Stop jumping around like that!"

"Heh heh heh! Catch me if you can!" And now we have Grim climbing onto the chandelier that's hanging from the celling.

Can it get worse?

"No fair climbing up onto the chandelier, you coward!", Deuce screamed Grim. He put a finger to his lips and put on a thoughtful expression. "I haven't really learned fight magic yet... What could I summon to hold onto him...? Hmm..." In an instant an idea popped up. "Oh! I know!" If it was good, we don't know yet.

"Did you come up with somethi- Oh, hey! Stop! What are you doing?!" Ace looked at Deuce that was holding his pen directly at the orange head. "Why are you pointing your pen at me?!"

"Because I'm going to launch you."

Yeah, it can get worse. Why did I ever doubt them?

"You know, maybe we shouldn't launch people onto a chandeli-" As always, she couldn't finish her sentence. Y/n's gonna punch everyone that interrupts her from now on.

"Are you kidding me?! Y/n, say something!" Ace glanced over at her and groaned when she just looked away. He then let out a scream as he was suddenly lifted into the air. "Seriously, do not launch me! Abort! ABORT!"

"Just make sure to grab him tight." Deuce aims at Grim on the chandelier that doesn't know what's about to come. "I've got him in my sights, and... Go!" With that, Ace was launched at the raccoon that didn't have time to react and crashed together with Ace and the chandelier on the ground.

Y/n watched with shock as everything fell onto the ground. Deuce shielded the woman out of reflex with his body, so she wasn't accidentally hit.

When the both of them then finally saw the disaster they have done, Y/n visibly grimaced at the scene.

Yooo... I think it's broken... not only the chandelier that's for sure.

Ace and Grim coughed many times from the dust and the impact. "I cannot believe you just did that!"

"Oh, right! I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him..." Now it was Deuce turn to twist his face into discomfort and shame. Well, at least Y/n is safe, was what he thought.

"You complete and total moron!" Ace got up and dusted himself off, while walked towards the blue haired boy woth a glare. "We got Grim, but we broke the chandelier! If the headmage finds out about this-" As always, someone interrupts their conversation.

"If I find out about... what, dear Ace?"

Yeeeeahh, we are done. It was not great knowing you Ace. Deuce is wonderful, he can live.

Ace gasped and turned to the headmage that was glaring down on them. Specifically, Ace and Grim.

"YOU. TWO. AGAIN. What have you done this time?!" Crowley was furious and you could clearly see that, even with his face hidden under a mask.

"Myaaah... Everything's spinning..."

"Burning a statue wasn't enough for you? Now you've destroyed a chandelier?! Enough. All of you are expelled." His tone was stern and Y/n was clearly not gonna talk with him in this mood.

"Except for Y/n."


"Headmage, please! Give me a second chance! I can't get expelled from this school! I need to be here!" Deuce was practically begging Crowley. Y/n instead wondered why she was getting the special treatment again.

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now