Different Perspective-14

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Chapters like these will take place before the actual events. I recommend reading them since they may be important for future chapters.

These will only contain characters Y/n has already met and gets along with. In this case:

Epel will probably appear after Pomefiore arc, since Y/n hasn't gotten close enough to him yet.


Y/n got woken up by something that hit her head.

"Heyy! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Get up!" Grim. The raccoon has been trying to wake the girl for about 5 minutes now, but she was in deep sleep and definitely didn't want to get up at fucking 6 a.m.

She stirred in her a half-conscious state and after a few seconds her eyelashes fluttered open.

"Finally! It's our first day, so come on!" Grim jumped down from the bed and walked out of the room, probably to the kitchen that had no food.

Kill me. Let me sleep for god's sake.

As Y/n got ready for the day she noticed a bag on the dining table. And it smelled good. So she opened it and found a can of tuna and pancakes stacked in a box.

Damn. Who broke into my house?

"Hey, Grim.", she called out. He already standing next to her and trying to get on the table, without luck. "You hungry?" She showed him the tuna and his eyes immediately brightened up. He made the grabby hands and the girl gave the can to him.

"Who would leave something so precious in here?!"

Y/n took out the box with pancakes and started eating. Without utensils, since this dorm only has dirt and ghosts.

"When was the last time I ate something? Never thought pancakes could taste even better." Grim and Y/n ate their meals and suddenly heard a knock on their door. The girl got up and opened the door to reveal Deuce and Ace.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?", Deuce asked. Y/n nodded while Grim shook his head.

"As if, try sleeping on that mattress, it's hard as a rock!", Grim complained. The girl on the other hand just stared at them as if she forgot to tell them something.

And suddenly she remembered. "Aren't you guys supposed to be at school?"

"You haven't heard it? We got a day off for some reason.", Deuce said with a smile. It was only the second day but they already got a day off. Why wasn't Y/n's school like that? And the teacher's also never got sick, so they never missed a lesson.

Well, as Grim heard that his face paled. He was so excited for his first day only to hear he had to wait another day. Dissapointed he sat down on the floor again and ate the rest of his tuna.

"So that means I could have slept longer? Good to know." Yeah, she was gonna go back to bed. Who wouldn't with everything that happened the last few days. She turned around amd wanted to walk away, but a hand on her wrist stopped her.

"Actually, we planned on taking you somewhere..." Deuce' face was turning a light shade of red while Ace stayed neutral but couldn't look Y/n into her eyes. They waited for her response, when she was about to agree, Grim instead answered.

"Hah! Of course I'm coming with you! Who wouldn't want to hang out with me?" Ace and Deuce deadpanned at this. They only wanted to take out Y/n. Speaking of her, they didn't get an answer.

"Sure. Let's go." With that Grim came running to her side and crawled onto her shoulder.

Y/n didn't expect them to ask them out, especially Grim, but it could be nice to get to know them better. So, they walked out of Ramshackle House and onto the schools campus. Y/n didn't know where the two boys were taking them, but they came to a stop infront of "Mister S' Mistery Shop".

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 - Various!Twisted Wonderland x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now